Ch. 33: To High Heaven

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"Lucifer." Jophiel said, bowing her head a bit. "I... heard about Charlie, I'm sorry."

"Not like you caused it." Lucifer said, gesturing to his drink. "I'd offer my little sister a drink, but I know you don't drink."

"After the last couple weeks, I'm tempted to." Jophiel said.

Lucifer chuckled.

"Well, if you do fall into temptations, just know, my favorite sister is always welcomed her." Lucifer said, walking towards her, "... So... father's dead."

Jophiel nodded sadly.

"We don't know how it happened, we didn't even know if could happen." Jophiel said, "It was so... sudden."

"Do you know of any possibly causes or suspects?" Lucifer asked, summoning a glass with ice and pouring liquor into it.

A serious topic needs a more serious and classy drink after all.

"No." Jophiel said, "None of us know who did it. We were all accounted for, and the only angels that can get in there are us... and you."


"Don't worry, we know you wouldn't do something like that." Jophiel said, her hand up. "But that being said, I am down here for a reason."

"And that is?" Lucifer replied.

"Do you remember what we were told when we were young?" She asked.

Lucifer felt his heart stop.

"Yes." Lucifer said, finding his breath. "Should something ever happen to father, the seven arch angels are to open the Eternal Temple."

"We have everything prepared... we just need you to come help us open it." Jophiel said.

Lucifer looked away, and Jophiel knew what the problem was.

"Samael... don't think that just because you were cast out that we hate you. You're our brother, third eldest child of God... we never hated you, we were disappointed that you had fallen from grace... if we could, we would've prevented that." Jophiel said to him.

"It's... it's not that." Lucifer said, gazing into his drink. "It's... this will be the first time I've been to Heaven in almost 10,000 years... and I'll be seeing Father, dead or not, for the first time since I was cast out... I'm... I'm afraid."

Lucifer turned to his desk, he walked over and set the alcohol down as he thought back to everything after his fall.

His marriage, Hell's growth, his firstborn, his....divorce, and the seven long years he wasted in his depression.

"If it makes you feel better, Father liked you more than Michael." Jophiel said to him.

That got Lucifer's attention.

"What did the golden child do?" He asked, gazing back at her.

"So remember how you sent a picture after Charlie was born... guess who he forgot to show it to." Jophiel said, trying and failing to hide her smirk, "When father did see it... oh I thought double trouble would be reunited."

"Michael in hell... now there's a dream I look forward to having." Lucifer said with a growing grin.

'Michael becoming a fallen? Oh god, that would be the greatest laugh of my life.' Lucifer thought, drinking some more of his liquor.

"So, the plan is for me to come back to heaven, help open the Eternal Temple, and help give father a proper burial before naming a successor?" Lucifer theorized.

"Hopefully. Only Father knows what's in there." Jophiel said, "All he ever said was it was in case something ever happens to him."

"Then I guess we shouldn't keep our brothers waiting." Lucifer said, downing the rest of his glass.

Jophiel nodded as she turned around, creating a portal to heaven. She looked back and saw Lucifer chugging the rest of the liquor bottle, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

But she could see he was still nervous and scared to go in.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" She offered, holding her hand out.

Lucifer chuckled at this as fond memories resurfaced.

"I remember asking you that when we were younger." Lucifer said.

"Seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?" Jophiel asked.

"Multiple, actually. Too long if you ask me." Lucifer said, gently taking his sister's hand.

With one more breath, Lucifer turned to the portal with Jophiel and walked in hand in hand.

Once on the other side, and for the first time in millennia, Lucifer was home.

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