Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Do you ever tire of my chronicling troubled days? This morning proved no different. I awoke amidst a clamor of my own screams, my body drenched in sweat; was it a dream, or perhaps a memory? It took me moments to reorient myself, my heart racing with lingering adrenaline. Fear gripped me, leaving me weak and trembling. Sleep eluded me, a nagging doubt plaguing my thoughts: what if it wasn't merely a dream?


A cacophony enveloped me, the ringing in my ears crescendoing. Was it the school bell or the alarm clock by my bedside? I surveyed my surroundings, finding myself within the confines of my school. Empty corridors stretched before me, lockers lining the walls. Panic surged as I sprinted through the familiar halls, each passing moment intensifying the pounding of heels behind me. History, Biology lab, Art room-each blurred past as I fled.

Finally, I reached the door, only to find it sealed shut. Frantically, I screamed and pounded against it, until a hand gripped my shoulder.

End of Flashback

I shuddered, the memory vivid and unsettling. The sensation of impending pursuit lingered, a chilling reminder. But today marked the last regular day of school before our Senior prom, graduation, and the onset of summer vacation-my departure for Pakistan loomed thereafter. Pakistan, my father's homeland; a land steeped in history and culture. Despite my longing to remain with friends and work at my best friend's father's office over the summer, my mother's insistence prevailed. We were bound for her childhood home in Islamabad, to spend the vacation with her brother's family. Although it had been five years since my last visit, I anticipated the journey with a mix of apprehension and excitement.

I closed my diary and returned it to its rightful place, then leaned back in my chair, my gaze drifting upward. Thoughts of life consumed me, its unpredictability looming large. Caught between uncertainty and a longing for normality, I found myself adrift-a stranger to my past self, yet not fully embracing the person I had become.

With a shake of my head, I rose from my seat, muttering about the morning's ill omens. I approached the window, seeking solace in the view beyond. The room was eerily quiet, a prelude to what?

I parted the curtains and drew in a deep breath, my forehead pressing against the cool glass as I peered eastward. Dawn had broken, the sky awash with a breathtaking blend of yellow and orange hues, contrasting sharply with the lingering violet darkness in the opposite direction. Below, the city began to stir, shrouded in the ethereal glow of the sunrise. The roofs of houses cast long shadows against the backdrop of the tri-colored sky, while the last remnants of the night faded into obscurity. As the sun ascended, its radiant light bathed everything in its path, from the frost-kissed screens of parked cars to the chirping sparrows that punctuated the silence with their melodious song.

For others, the sunrise symbolized the promise of a new day, filled with possibilities and warmth. But for me, its arrival served as a stark reminder of the losses I've endured. I longed for the sun to retreat below the horizon, shielding my scars from its probing light. Yet, as always, the sun prevailed, its rays illuminating the path ahead, beckoning me to face the day.

As I gazed out further, the sun cast a golden hue over the familiar landscape, painting the world in hues of warmth. But despite the picturesque scene, an unsettling stillness hung heavy in the air, amplifying my sense of foreboding. Was this tranquility merely a facade, concealing the storm lurking on the horizon? I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom, as if the universe itself held its breath, waiting for the inevitable chaos to unfold. I pressed my palm against the cool glass, a futile attempt to dispel the unease settling in the pit of my stomach. Something was amiss, and I feared that today, of all days, would be the harbinger of unforeseen calamity.

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