Seven. Hally

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*Eleanora Elliot*

"Hey Lia." I murmured, as I walked in and her arms were across her chest.

Hale stared at the side of Lia's face. Expectantly.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

Hale glanced at me, Lore pushing me toward her before they left the main area.

"I need to know how to... support you in a way that doesn't make you feel bad. You're not 15, you're a grown woman and so am I. I'm supposed to be your big sister and best friend and instead I make you feel bad and I shut down opportunity for you to express yourself to mom and dad and even myself." She swayed nervously.

"I would love to talk to you. Especially if I do have feelings for someone or something but I'd like you to not make fun of me and if I feel like what you said is uncalled for, I want you to accept it and not tell me it's just a joke because it feels personal and the joke you're trying to make isn't funny, it hurts. If something happens, don't tell mom and dad until I'm ready. If I tell you something that does happen, don't embarrass me in front of whoever was involved. I feel like there's limits." I frowned.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Nora." She whispered and I frowned.


"I heard you like that better." She winked.

"I do."

"Can I give you a hug?"

I opened my arms and she stepped into them.

"I love you. I'm sorry." She whispered.

"I love you. Thank you."

"If I step out of line please tell me."

"I will."


"I swear." I kissed her cheek.

She was a tall girl as am I, but is about an inch taller.

"You can come out now." She shouted.

They came out and Hale looked at her.

"Let's go." He said to her and they left to his tattoo room.

"Thank you." I looked to Lore.

"What for?" He raised his eyebrows, faking confusion.

"For that?"

"What? I did nothing."

"Well then I'll thank Hale."

"He did nothing."

"Don't play dumb."

"I'm not. Want a mint?"


"Mmm you say my name good." He smirked.


"Calm down, sweetheart. Go sit with Lia or don't."

Someone walked in.

I cringed. Here for nipple piercings.

Filled out the papers I watched as he went through the process.

"Wait out here I'll call you back when I'm ready." He nodded.

"You waiting?" She asked.

"Oh no. My sister is getting tattooed." I nodded.


"You scared? Sorry I'm just scared of tattoos and piercings." I laughed.

"I have plenty of both. I'm not. You can watch if you want. I might need a hand to hold." She smirked.

"Nora!" Lia came out, trying to show me something but she froze, gaping at the woman beside me.

"My sister. Lia." I pointed.

She checked her out and I bit back my grin.

"I'm Hally." She offered a hand to Lia.

"Uhm... Lia. Like she said. You're beautiful." She murmured.


"I'm ready whenever you are." Lore said from his room.

"See you maybe." Hally smiled looking at me, "ready?"

"Me? Are you ready is the real question."

She chuckled.

"Yes, I am." I followed her into the room.

She was badass. Her accent Spanish, I guess Colombian or something similar. Her hair is jet black, cut at her jaw, but her background is Asian, she's shorter, covered in tats with piercings that line her ears.

"What's the accent?" I asked.

"Caribbean. Spanish area." She nodded.

She removed her shirt as Lore instructed.

"Am I good to touch for marking?" He asked real quick.

"Absolutely." She nodded.

"I think Lia likes you." I smiled.

"Your sister is gorgeous." She looked at me.


"I could hear it in her voice. Her accent is cute."

"I could give you her number." I smiled.

"I think I might ask for it myself." She said.

"As you should." I agreed.

He studied her chest from afar.

"I'm gonna pierce this one just a bit higher than the other since it does sit lower unless it doesn't matter to you." He said.

"Totally fine. I'd like that, less focus on them being uneven." She laughed.

"You should get one after me. Just one." She said.

I froze.

"Please? What if something goes well and we are future in-laws." She winked. "I'd want to remember this. Or if it doesn't I can bring you up whenever someone asks about my tits."

I laughed.

"I'll pay for it."

I debated.

"I need to see you get them first."


"Get it done!" Lia shouted.

"Eavesdropper!" I yelled.

He marked them, showing her the bar and telling her the healing process as she lied down.

I held her hand and she squeezed mine.

"I'm nervous." She admitted.

"You're going to look so hot." I smiled.

Her tits were really nice. I was a bit jealous.

"Deep breath. Exhale." He pierced the left.

"Oh shit." She sighed.


"I expected way worse."

I chewed my lip.

This woman was bolder than bold.

I envied it.

"Switch please, sweetheart." He said and I moved sides so he could be at her right.

"Three, two, one." He pierced.

"Oh damn." She whispered.

"Second one is worse but it's all good." She nodded.

Lore looked at me.

"Are you down?" He looked toward her chest before looking at me.


He smirked.

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