20) Jaccuzi time

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Dinner was...

interesting. After my fight with Pablo, I immediately went to the dinner table, while I tried to ignore him for the rest of the evening. This obviously did not work. He tried talking to me multiple times by whispering things in my ear, or grabbing my hand and trying to take me away from the table. I responded with nothing and spoke with Sira the entire night, completely ignoring everything Pablo did. 

By the end of dinner he kind of gave up and just sat next to me in silence. Everyone drank pretty much and I also had a few wines. Ansu and Pablo are completely wasted by the end of the night. We dine until around 2 am until finally, people go back to their rooms to get some sleep. I want to do the same when Sira grabs my hand. 'Wait, the night isn't over yet.' she whispers. I look at her in confusion and she smiles. 'We have a tradition, on the first night. We always go to the jacuzzi with a bunch of friends. You'll see.' she says and winks. 

Everyone goes to sleep except for Pablo, Ferran, Sira, Alejandro, Ansu, Frenkie, Mikky, Andreas, Kathrine, Pedri, Coral, Sergi and me. When Lewandowski, the last person to leave the table, finally closes the door behind him, Ansu immediately stands up while he grabs a bottle of wine. 'Time to move people!' he yells and everyone gets up, including me. 

We all make our way to the jacuzzi and sauna. The group divides and Pablo, Ferran, Sira, Pedri, Anus, Alejandro, and I make our way to the Jacuzzi, while the other three couples make their way to the sauna. The boys start to undress and take of their shirts and pants. Then they all step into the jacuzzi, in their boxers. Sira also undresses, but she's wearing a bikini. She obviously knew about this tradition. I look at the people stepping into the jacuzzi. Sira and I are the only two girls there and I feel a bit weird by just taking of my shirt and pants and to get into the water in my bra and panties... I mean, getting into a jacuzzi with a bra and a thong and five random guys feels a little strange to me. I don't wanna be an outsider so I start to fiddle with my dress hoping to find an excuse out of this. 

Pablo probably saw it because he grabs my hand and quickly pulled me aside out of sight from the others. 'What are you doing?' I hiss, because of his sudden movements the whole area started spinning. Did I drink to much wine? Probably...

'Just take of your dress and put on my shirt.' he whispers and with one movement he takes of his shirt. I stare at the shirt into his hand not knowing what to do. Then my gaze slights to his chest. His muscles look perfect in this light. It's dark, but there's coming lights from the house which make his muscles look even sharper. 

'Elena focus.' I tear my gaze away back to his eyes. He looks amused, and then I realize; I'm still supposed to be mad at him. I have to stand on business for once and show him that his actions have consequences. How? By showing no affection and definitely not giving him a chance to start about it again. I grab the shirt and wait until he's turned around. Then I also turn around and start to pull me dress's zipper down. Everything goes smoothly until...

Shit. My zipper got stuck. I try to pull onto it, but it's completely stuck and I can't move it more down. I sigh and try to get another way to take of this dress, but it's impossible. Gosh, here we go.
'Pablo?' I hiss. 'Yes?' he whispers back. 'My zipper got stuck...' 
He stays silent for a while. 'Do you... want me to...' he says it carefully as if he's a bit scared for my answer. 'Yes please...' I answer. I hear him turn around and I grab my hair, so he can find the zipper. 

Then I feel his fingers on the back of my neck and I feel goosebumps spread over my body. My throat goes dry and I swallow. 'Sorry, i'ts a little dark here...' Pablo whispers and he starts trailing his fingers down over my bar back, trying to find the zipper. 'It's okay...' I whisper back and I wait. 

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