twelve | vienna promise

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"That little—" Pierre is on the verge of letting out another curse word, yet Mother stops him with a sharp glare. "Sorry, Maman." 

Father stares at me. His eyes sparkle with... what? Love? Admiration? Or disgust and anger? "I will contact Valentin and Alexander immediately." He steps into another room in the jet. 

"So you've known that German since you were nine?" Charles asks. 

I nod. 

"But you haven't seen him in a year?" 

Another nod. Then a head shake. "No. I saw him at the house, when I first got back. He was leaving." 

Nicolas nods slowly, his mouth twisted into a displeased emotion. "Valentin has some explaining to do." 

"He hasn't done anything wrong. I think he quick liked me, and I liked him. He taught me lots and so Sir...I mean Ivanov...liked me more and then I was punished less." 

Mother comes up and sits next to me. She gives me a tight hug. The hug is so unexpected that I just sit in her arms. She breaks away after a  moment. "You are so strong, angel." 

I frown. There were many children at the Center that were stronger and tougher than me. Many of them were punished and beaten everyday until eventually they disappeared. 

Lots of children disappeared. I was one of the lucky ones. 

Sir never got

Rid of me

I can see their 

Cries cries cries 

Their hopelessnessuntiltheyweredead


Instead of going to Paris, the jet passed right through France and arrived in Vienna, Austria at dinnertime. 

The city sparkles. The stars in the sky gleam down at me, a contrast to the navy blue night sky. I'm ushered into a bullet-proof SUV with my brothers. 

"Are we going to meet Valentin?" I ask, excitement building inside of me. Our last meeting was so long ago. He promised to get me out. 

And now I'm out. 

My smile falters when I remember 28 and 67. They're still trapped in the Center, while I'm out and living a happy life with my newfound family. 

"Of course. Aigner lives an hour from the airport, so you can take a nap until then," Nicolas says. He sits in front of me. 

I nod, and lean my head against the seat. My eyes close, and I droop down onto someone's shoulder. I think it's Arthur's. 

A hand wraps around me and pulls me close to a warm chest. I inhale a rusty pine scent, and a feeling of safety washes over me as I pass out. 


"Lila," a smooth voice drawls out, "time to wake up." My eyes snap open and I jerk away from the voice, but a hand keeps me in place. 

My eyes whip to the person holding me in place, and I see Arthur. He flashes me a lazy smile. "We're at Aigner's place," He explains. 

I nod slowly, and hop off of Arthur's lap. He helps me climb out of the SUV and out onto the steps  leading into Valentin's mansion. 

The rest of my family stands on the porch. Arthur and I follow suit. A smile creeps onto my face when Father knocks on the door. 

A moment later, I see the familiar head of deep brown and chestnut eyes. Valentin wears a pressed suit and polished shoes. 

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