⟣Chapter 100

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Xiao Han ignored the hand and said, “We need your organization’s help with something.”

Yuan Jie’s eyes flickered, seemingly sensing the unusual atmosphere between the two. She looked affectionate and said, “It’s our honor.”

Wen Qingling, not understanding the situation, asked, “Are you the leader of this organization? How much influence do you have? I need to find someone, can it be done quickly?”

Yuan Jie smiled charmingly and said, “If it’s about an antidote, I may not have the authority, but if it’s just finding someone, I might be able to help.”

Wen Qingling understood her response and said, “I’m looking for someone named Brother Hui. He should have some influence in the Mega City.”

Yuan Jie asked them to sit down and talk slowly. “It’s difficult to find someone based on just this information. Do you have any other clues?”

Wen Qingling thought for a moment and said, “He should have leaked some assembled energy gun parts. Is that clue enough?”

Wen Qingling realized that Luo Fengjue couldn’t obtain those components and energy cores while being locked in the basement unless someone specifically gave them to him for modification. And coincidentally, that happened to be Luo Fengjue’s expertise.

Yuan Jie’s expression became serious. “The energy gun parts are not widely available yet. They are mainly supplied to the military. It’s difficult for ordinary people to get their hands on standard energy gun parts. Even if they have them, they are usually modified and assembled later, with lower power and a shorter lifespan compared to weapons produced by the Weapons Research Institute.”

Yuan Jie nodded solemnly. “This is indeed a useful clue. I will immediately have someone investigate.”

“In addition,” Wen Qingling spoke again, “he is likely a perverted person who enjoys cutting off people’s hands.”

Yuan Jie replied, “…”

Yuan Jie said, “Alright, I will have someone pay attention to it.”

Wen Qingling asked, “How long will it take?”

Yuan Jie replied, “At least a day.”

Wen Qingling said, “That’s too long.”

Yuan Jie remained silent.

A day was too long? Finding one person among over a hundred million people would be a massive undertaking. It would definitely take time.

Wen Qingling said, “I want to meet your big boss.”

Yuan Jie replied, “…”

Wen Qingling continued, “And by the way, I want to discuss the antidote.”

Yuan Jie’s expression softened. “Wait a moment, please allow me to make a call.”

Yuan Jie left the private room to make the call.

Wen Qingling was intrigued by the mention of a “phone.” Was the Central Mega City so advanced? It had already been three years since the apocalypse, and they still had phones?

In a low voice, Wen Qingling said, “What do you think about tying up the communication personnel here?”

Xiao Han coldly refused, “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

If they tied up live people, would they be able to leave this place smoothly? Did they have to cause a commotion and break out of the city? Perhaps they could succeed if it were just the two of them, but it would be nearly impossible with the others.

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