Chapter 4

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(Alexander’s POV)

Whenever you try not to have that thing happen again in your life, then the moon goddess starts playing with you by putting the same thing in front of you again.

After being with her for a few seconds in the lift yesterday, I never thought to be in the same room with her today when I entered. My heart was racing for the first time.I attempted to maintain my cool even though I wanted to give her an embrace since I could smell the scent of roses emanating from her and filling my entire room. 

“Sir, you called me?” She came into my bedroom and stood at the door with head down as if I had punished her. It even broke my heart to see that she is afraid of my presence only.

“Did you see my tab which was kept here?” I spoke with a calm voice. I'm not sure why, but even for such a foolish thing, my heart compelled me to speak with her. It was as though all I wanted was to hear her lovely voice.

“I am sorry for touching your things sir but I kept it safely in the drawer beside your bed” she said while fidgeting with her long slender fingers and I went to check while trying to calm my heartbeat normal after hearing her voice again and again.

“Don’t be sorry at all and thank you for keeping it there” I said with a smile for the first time since we met. 

“Uh excuse me… what's your name?” I was hesitant to ask but still stopped her when she started walking out. 

“Evelyn sir” She turned around and gave me a direct glance, her lovely eyes sparkling with a smile that made me feel something. 

“Nice name” She said ‘thank you’ and left without even a glance at me.

“What is happening to us Aaron?” I asked my wolf the moment she stepped outside the room.

“Even I don’t know Alex. Since that day I thought we will never experience this type of feeling” he said with a frown on his face.

“But do you think… she the one we are looking for? Should we even continue this?” 

“I am not sure and even if we meet the ‘one’ we will never know before the full shining moon, that is 6 months later… Now it’s all up to you, whatever decision you will make I’ll be there” he said making me more confused and we both began to recollect the day we were cursed and experienced agony.

“Alpha king, what time should I book the plane?” Brian came after a minute and didn't even realise he asked me a question until he repeated it for the second time, all this while my mind was just filled with that girl and the curse.

“Uh, I’ll let you know afterwards. Now, go and take a rest” he nodded and left the room. 

“This is not right, this is not right. This can’t happen… I have to do something” I spent the whole night just thinking about her and got panicked, so I went straight to my cupboard to get the only thing that could calm me down.

“I don’t know why but you are the only thing which can calm me down… I even don’t know whom it belongs to but I always feel some connection to you” I clutched that thing in my hand tightly and laid on the bed while keeping it close to my chest. 

No one knows about this thing, not even my sisters. This is my only darkest secret. Whenever I am stressed or confused, only this thing helps me out…even if it’s just a small bracelet. Slowly, my eyes got heavy and my mind relaxed, drifting me into a sleep.

The following day, I called Brian to my room, the moment I got freshened up.

“Postpone my schedule, we will now leave after 2 days, relay this message to everyone and even Adam” I said while standing near the glass window and looking at the view. My phone rang at the same time and saw a video call from my sister Alaina.

“Hey my princess” I said with a cheerful smile as soon as I picked up the call and Brian went out.

“I hate you” she said with a scowl on her face, the moment she appeared on my screen.

“You are not coming early, that's why she is upset. Moody baby!” Ashley came into the view and sat beside her while pinching her cheeks.

“Heyy! I am not a baby” she said while crossing her arms and Ashley held the phone.

“Not even my baby?” I asked with a pout and they both just laughed at my face.

“Ofcourse, only yours… but please don’t ever make that face” Alaina said while laughing. 

“By the way, why are you staying there?” Ashley asked and they both looked at me curiously, when I didn’t respond for two minutes.

“Uh, I have some work here, as soon as it is finished… I’ll be in front of you both. Promise” I said with a convincing voice and hoped it did work.

“Till then, be in a pack house and don't go out alone and call me if anything happens, ok?... Take care, bye” after getting a response, I gave a flying kiss to both of them before ending the call.

I looked back at the outside world, seeing people walking hurriedly on the streets. But they all think and want a person in their life who understands and loves them. And we werewolves are more fortunate than humans in that, where our moon goddess has already chosen such a person for us.

I don't know what moon goddess has written in my life but right now whenever I look at Evelyn, I feel something that I have never felt.

“Evelyn, I'm coming for you” I murmured, pressing that bracelet to my chest once more and felt even more confident after hearing Aaron say those sweet words, ‘This might be our happiness’ with a contemptuous smile.

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