Fight with the Enemy

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Bahamut Pov

I jumped back, dodging a giant crystal spire and landed a distance back from the man as I gave him a smirk

Bahamut: "So you are what the diamond kingdom has to offer? I'm very, very disappointed." I dodged another spire "Dragon Kings executioner!" Multiple dragon-like heads formed and flew forward the man

Diamond guy: "You are incredibly irritating!" He brought up crystals from the ground blocking the attack as dust formed "Just give up, then I might not kill you."

Bahamut: "Don't count on it, buddy!" I listened from where his voice travelled and dashed in that direction as I burst from the cloud and tried slashing at him with my dragon claws "Die!"

Diamond guy: "You insufferable pest!" A diamond spire came from the ground and hit Bahamut in the stomach as blood spewed from his mouth and time seemed to slow down

Bahamut: "Crap..." I coughed up blood before another, bigger spire shot from the ground and sent me flying into a wall

Diamond guy: "You are clever, but your attacks lacked the true intent to kill. Because of that one error, you died." He looked where Bahamut flew and saw the boy with his face covered by a shadow and his stomach bleeding "What the..." his eyes widened "Why is he smiling..."

Bahamut: in a strained tone "Because..." spits blood "You thought two simple attacks would kill me?" I pushed myself out of the crater in the wall and dropped to the ground "You gotta make sure that attack blows right through my damn body if you want me dead!"

Diamond guy: "That can be arranged, you monster!" He sent endless amounts of crystal spikes toward Bahamut while he summoned his claws and broke through them

Bahamut: "More! More! More! More!! Keep pushing passed my limit!" He ripped through all his attacks but they seemed to pile on making me jump back "Dragon creation magic: Dragon kings Gauntlets!" The claws formed all the way up my arms and grew in size "I'll rip you to pieces!"

Diamond guy: "Don't count on it." They continued to fight


Klaus: "There is a tremendous amount of power being released up ahead..." his eyes widen and sweat forms on his forehead "Wh...h-how...this power, it's climbing!"

Mimosa: "I feel it too, it's so...primal. Like two predators battling to the death for what they want." She sweats "Who or what could this be..."

Yuno: "I only know one person who can put out magic like that...Bahamut." The other two gasp slightly

Klaus: "A commoner has this much Mana?"

Mimosa: "It's like my body's screaming for me to run..."


Noelle: "I just sensed something..."

Asta: "Huh? Really? What is it?"

Noelle: "Something is coming...we need to keep moving."

Bahamut Pov

Diamond Guy: "Why do you persist on trying to stall me?" He summons multiple crystal shards from the ground which in case Bahamut

Bahamut: "Because you persist on pissing me off!" I chuckle and break from the crystals "Tell me, what is it that keeps you fighting?" I chuckle "Be honest, what drives you to fight in this cycle of life."

Diamond guy: "My country and my people. That's what keeps me killing people like you." Some crystals poke from the ground showing he is preparing to attack

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