Chapter 18: Her Unexpected Guest

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"I regret to refuse such a wonderful offer, however, I believe that I am no longer in the position to accept your trade," Hades replied.

"Allow me to understand," Hephaestus asked, still kneeling in front of Hades.

Hades walked back to his throne and caressed the head of his three-headed dog, who seemed to be afraid of Hephaestus' weapon.

"The person you were looking for was no longer here. I have returned her to the mortal realm," he stared at Hephaestus' eyes, which slowly widened at his news. "I have nothing to give you if you offer your skills and that dangerous weapon to me."

Hephaestus paused for a moment, wondering if he had heard it wrong. He confusedly glanced at the deity, who was now looking at him with a calm gaze.

"S-she's back?" Hephaestus mumbled in relief as if he had lost a great burden of worries behind his back.

"Indeed, that's why your attempt to create a deal with me was in vain," Hades glanced at his kingdom and frowned at the sight of its mess. "And the fact that you caused a commotion in the Underworld along with that dangerous weapon, I can't let it slide."

Hades stopped speaking when he noticed that Hephaestus was not listening. A slight frown appeared on his forehead, but he couldn't blame him.

Hephaestus had what he wanted back. His relief and joy must have distracted him from his current situation. He was in a complicated situation, yet all he could think of was that he managed to get back the Nymph.

Hades could understand Hephaestus' thoughts. If something like this happened to his wife, he'd probably do something more terrible.

"Are you listening to me?" Hades asked in a serious voice.

"I am..." Hephaestus mumbled. The deity slowly stood up and took his weapon from the ground.

"Where are you going? I told you that you're not free to go--"

"I'm in a hurry. If you let me go, I'll offer this weapon to you," Hephaestus replied without hesitation. "I'm begging you."

Hades stared at him for a moment.

It was easy to take advantage of Hephaestus in this kind of situation. The weapon in his hand was indeed valuable. If he accepted it, the Underworld would gain the power to shake off Olympus, or even the other realms.

However, the Underworld that he aimed to lead was fair and just.

Hades wasn't as greedy as his other brothers. He didn't want to compete with them. He was already satisfied with his life as long as he had his wife.

Even if his kingdom was a gloomy, desolate place, this was his home. This was his territory, and this miserable place was where he could achieve silence and solitude.

"I'll refuse it," the god of the Underworld mumbled. Hades tapped his fingers on his throne. His eyes kept glancing at the weapon in Hephaestus' hand. "Your offer is too valuable. Give me something else and I'll forgive you for this mess."

Hephaestus stared at him, understanding his intentions.

"Tell me."

Hades wouldn't accept the weapon, but it wouldn't be too bad to maintain a good relationship with a man who could create a weapon that could kill gods.

"I want a perfect crown for my queen."

Hephaestus bowed his head.

"I'll make it."


"Why is he free, and I am not?" Dionysus asked when he saw Thanatos being freed by Aphrodite. "This is discrimination, inequality, how unjust!"

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