chapter-12(the first challenge)

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"once you have completed the challenge, it is expected that you present yourself to the royal box."theo informed further.

"What does that mean?"sophia asked confusinglyy

"It's a royal formality, you ride over to where we will be watching and you bow as you await your must remember to do that at the end or it could drastically affect how my father scores you."he explained

"Present myself to the royal box at the end, got it. you've given me so much helpful advice...thank you. Anything else i need?"she replied

"A kiss of good luck?" Theo said coming close to her and lifting her chin up.

"Theo!"sophia exclaimed shyly

"Nobody is here and I can't resist, I've been away from you for only three days but it feels like three lifetimes. Never again do I wish to be parted for so long. And i've longed for is to feel your hand in mine, your arms around my chest, your lips kissing mine..."he said looking intensely in her eyes.

He attack her into his arms leaning in to kiss her deeply.
After three days apart, she melt into his embrace, his strong arms pull her close as he nuzzles into her neck.he pulls her closer, groaning into her hair as she feel his heart beating in his chest.

"I've missed your touch most of all."he Whispers into her ear as his fingers trace down her spine. He finally tilts her head up to gaze deep into her eyes.

"You're going to be amazing out there...I'll be cheering for you."he whispered in her ears and then went from there.

"Okay, let's do this!"sophia said to Billy and then went to the runway.


On the runway, all the ladies were standing in a row with their horses.

"I can't wait to watch you fall off your horse in front of the entire Kingdom, peasent" lady Cordelia teased sophia.

"Don't hold your breath"sophia replied sarcasticly

"Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the royal family of Castile."the announcer declared

She saw them enter the royal observation box as theo give a quick short look round for her.
Then he catches her eye and gives her a giant smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Castile, welcome to the first challenge!"the king announced

"Our ladies must show that they can present themselves with grace, balance and elegance above all, and there is no better way than horse riding. To win, each rider and her horse must navigate the jumps as they become more and more difficult. May the game begins"the king continued further.

"Lady Cordelia, please make your way to the starting line."the announcer declared

"Watch and learn, peasent" cordelia taunted.

"She managed to walk gracefully over the small obstacles."the announcer commented

"Let's see how she handles the higher ones!"the announcer continued further

"Masterfully done! She leap with elegance over the medium obstacles"the announcer commented

"Now for the larger jumps"the announcer continued further.

Sophia watch Cordelia navigate the last, highest jump, the crowd screaming and cheering.

"Lady Cordelia is the FIRST of all the woman to clear the highest jump! Wow! She rode wonderfully "the announcer declared

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