# 143 - Dionysus Plus

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Before Dionysus was punished with being a camp director and not allowed alcohol. The Olympians Gods would have drinking competitions at parties they host to see who would last the longest without getting drunk.

Of course Dionysus would cheat in the drinking competitions by making the other Gods drunk before him with his godly powers.

(I know he can't get drunk but the gods have a specialty made, godly alcohol that can make him drunk.)

So he was banned from participating and then he was banned from being in the same room as the competitions because he would make the Gods who he was mad at, at the time to get drunk with his godly powers so they would lose the competitions.

Author Notes
I'm just imagining Athena and Poseidon getting really drunk and they have a full on brawl with no weapons in front of all the other Gods. Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and Ares are chanting 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' As all the other Gods are in a circle around Athena and Poseidon brawl. Ares is fueling their anger, aggression, and bloodlust with his godly powers to make the fight more interesting.

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