The Elevator

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"Hello Martin," she said, and laughed and pushed the stop button. The innocuous greeting, coupled with her laughter, sent a shiver down Martin's spine as the elevator came to an abrupt halt. The suddenness of the stop was jarring, but it was her laughter that filled the small, confined space with an eerie atmosphere, like a harbinger of dread.

Martin glanced at her, his unease growing with each passing moment. Her laughter, once jovial, now sounded twisted and malevolent, echoing off the walls of the elevator like a haunting melody. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he realized that something was terribly wrong.

The air in the elevator grew heavy with tension, suffocating in its intensity. Martin could feel the weight of her gaze upon him, cold and calculating, like the stare of a predator sizing up its prey. He pressed himself against the wall, his heart pounding in his chest, as he searched for any means of escape.

But the confines of the elevator offered no respite, no way out. The walls seemed to close in around him, trapping him in a nightmare of his own making. Panic surged through his veins as he struggled to make sense of the situation, to find a way to break free from the grip of fear that held him captive.

As the seconds stretched into eternity, Martin's mind raced with thoughts of impending doom. He tried to speak, to ask her what was happening, but his voice caught in his throat, drowned out by the suffocating silence of the elevator. He could feel her presence looming over him, a dark shadow cast against the dim light of the elevator.

And then, just as suddenly as it had stopped, the elevator lurched back into motion. Martin let out a sigh of relief, his muscles tensed with anticipation of what lay ahead. But as the doors slid open, revealing the lobby below, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just narrowly escaped something far more sinister.

As he stepped out into the relative safety of the lobby, Martin glanced back at the woman in the elevator, her laughter still ringing in his ears. There was something about her, something unsettling and otherworldly, that sent a shiver down his spine. And as the doors closed behind him, he couldn't help but wonder what horrors lurked in the shadows of that seemingly innocent smile.

The experience left Martin shaken to his core, a lingering sense of unease haunting him long after he had left the elevator behind. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most terrifying monsters are the ones that lurk in the darkest corners of our own minds, waiting to be unleashed with a single push of a button.

J.A.P. (just a POV)Where stories live. Discover now