Tina meets Uzi and the betrayer Father

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N: Okay, are you sure you can stay in the ship T?

T looks at her big brother and nod with a cute smile, N smiles at his little sister, ever since N, V and J find her she was just a baby, now they took her in as a new cute recruit, and J walk in

J: Idiot, me and V know you protect T for your life now, we need to hunt worker drones now stop being cute around T and let's go, T will handle herself.

N nods at J, N looks down to his little sister, he picks her up and hug her

N: Make sure you don't hurt yourself, okay?

T: K, I will.

N puts her down and let's go of the hug and follows J to hunt worker drones they say, as they left T feels lonely without him


After a while, T smiles that N comes back with a drone that has purple hair, and T smiles faded as her eyes widened


???: A HUMAN??!

N: Now everyone calm down, T our new recruit is not a worker drone, she is a Disassembly Drone.

T: Huh...?

T looks up to see one of them is red, T realized that her big brother forgot what happened and thinks that worker drone is a disassembly drone, she wants to smack N in the face but can't cause she's too little

T in mind: Dang it, maybe I will wait for the others.

Then the purple worker drone sits down as N sits down as well, then the purple worker drone... puts her hand... in N's.... mouth.... T looks away cause she does not want to look

N: Bleh. Sweet. Uh... [chuckles] I'm open to new things, I guess.

???: We are never talking about this.

N: Talking about what? [laughs] Consider it, uh, repressed.

T looks at her big brother in confusion, N looks at his sister

N: I will explain that to you later sis.

T looks purple worker drone

T: Hey um miss, I never got your name.

The worker drone looks at the human, but one look at the human, the worker drone can't resist at the cute face what the human is having

???: [Groans] It's Uzi, I'm doing this cause you are so cute.

T: Oh, well I'm T.

Uzi looks at T in confusion, did the Disassembly Drones name her, what's her real name? Uzi wipes her hand and looks at N

Uzi: Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad? Are they coming back soon?

N: Oh, yeah two others. Uh, they're out hunting for a bit, but you love them. First, there's V.

Flashback starts

V grunts as she grabs what the worker says his own entrails, and she kills that worker drone as she kills all the worker drone's family, she laughs crazy, she wipes some oil

V: And yet, I still feel nothing.

N: So, V, uh... [chuckles nervously] I heard this planet-wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight.

V's eyes widened

V: Oh, god! Who are you?

And V flys off leaving N behind as he yells

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