Chapter 10

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I get out of the house and start walking toward Jimmy's café. My whole body was in pain from all the hitting last night.

But I had to hide it. If course with a big fake smile and a fake story I had to for Alice. I had an idea. In a few minutes, I meet the long line at Jimmy's café. He really does know how to make a pretty good latte, after all.

I spot Alice in a corner by herself, with two cups on her hands. She sips into one. I take a deep breath, put on a big smile on my face and walk to her. She spots me and smiles.

"Hey girl. Good morning. Here you go. Your latte. You need it." She hand the hot cup to me and I start sipping it.

"You look like you haven't slept all night. Was that dinner with strangers that good that you didn't slept?" She says excited.

"Not that good to keep me up all night as you say. But it wasn't that bad". I say as my heart sank to my stomach.

Only if she knew. Only if she knew that dinner was horrible, that my own parents wanted to marry me to a random stranger just because he is rich.

"Who were these people? Did you parents told you about them?" She asks.

"They were some of their old friends." I answer. I didn't lie. They really were old friends together. They used to go to parties together. We start walking to work.

She told me about Anthony. A boy who she meet at the club last night and he asked her out. She was going to meet him tonight and she was telling me about what she was going to wear.

Apparently, this guy, Anthony, was two years older than us so he is twenty two years old. He had red hair and brown eyes. He also had a lot of freckles in his face.

In a few minutes we arrived at the hospital and I was preparing myself mentally and physically to work.

I get to the changing room for women and put on my uniform. I go to the 306th room that I had to check. There were an old woman. About 73 years old to that had an accident about 5 days ago with her husband which was in the room next by.

"Hello, Mrs .Carter. My name is Amina. I'm your nurse." I present myself.

"Oh darling. Such a pretty name of a pretty girl." She complements me with a welcoming smile.

"Thanks" I say. "How is my husband. Is he okay?" She asks worried. "He is okay. Don't worry." I resure her.

"Oh dear. You have no idea what we have been through all of our lifes. Me and my husband Jackson had an arranged marriage. We didn't knew each other, we didn't love each other. My father owed a lot of money to Jackson's father so he decided to marry us together. At first we hated each other, we couldn't stand each other. But after getting to know him and after spending time together, we fell in love. We had two sons and a daughter. And now here we are."

She tells me her love story as I checked her.

"That's a really good love story. I'm glad you fell in love with each other. Wow." I say surprised. But I was also so sad. I lied to her. All of us.

Her husband was the one driving before the accident. And he wasn't really good. He was in a coma. But the staff couldn't tell her. She has heart problems and if we did, she may have a problem.

The doctor and her family are waiting for her to get better so they can tell her about her husband. I can't even imagine how she would react to the news.

Her condition is not good either. But at least she is not in a coma like her love.

"I will see you soon. Mrs.Carter." I say to her and get out of the room to head to her husband's room.

I get in and.... He is still asleep. Still in a coma. I check the machines that had keep him in life so far and see that nothing had changed in him. He has been like this since the surgery he had after he was brought to hospital five days ago. His condition hasn't changed.

I hate the idea that we have to break the news to his wife. She will be devastated when she finds out that her husband has been in a coma for five days and no one knows if he will be able to make it. She loves him so much. I could see it through her eyes. Her eyes shone when she was talking about him and their love story.


My shift ended about ten minutes ago. I changed my uniform to some casual outfit. Alice was waiting for me outside and I could hear her voice as she was on a phone call with someone. From the flirty tone of her voice I was sure that it was that guy. What was his name? Oh, yeah. Anthony.

As I was putting my things back to my bag when my phone screen lighted up from a notification. It was a text from my mother. I unlocked it and checked it out with a bit of hesitation.

"Tonight you will have dinner with Lorenzo's son. No rejection. Go home and get ready."

What?! Dinner with him? Again? Even after what I did back to that night? I thought the dinner with him was in two days.

"Tonight?! I thought it was in two days?" I text back.

"Do as I say. Go home and get ready. Don't make me repeat myself." She texts back.

Great. Now I have to go on a dinner date with someone I don't know and don't even want to know. But I know better than not to go. I don't want to get beaten again like the last night.

I get out of the changing room and noticed that Alice was not there. She probably walked out of the hospital to go to that date with Anthony. I signed and head to the elevator. When I get to the first floor I see Alice sat down with her  phone in her hand.

"I thought you left." I say. "I will never leave without you." She says. "Are you ok? You look sad." She asks worried about me. "I will have dinner with those strangers again tonight. My mom just texted me." I say a bit sad that I had to go.
"Oh." It's all what she says.

I guess that I won't have a good sleep tonight. Again.

Hey guys 👋😘
It's been a long time. Hope you enjoy this one.

See you soon ❤️



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