17 | i talk shit with my friends

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August 30th, 2023

I wake up to another beautiful day in New York. Especially because Mom wants to spend as much time with her granddaughter as possible and also is an early riser, same as my daughter, so she decided to wake up with her this morning and let me sleep in.

Don't get me wrong, I love that little girl more than anything in my life, more than words can describe, but sometimes it's really good to wake up as late as you want.

When I finally get out of bed, around 9:30, a few chapters of my books I haven't touched in ages and a FaceTime call with my boyfriend later, I take a long, hot shower before slipping on a comfy outfit and making my way downstairs.

I hear Ellie's laugh the moment I am going down the stairs, right to the kitchen. When I get there, Ell is sitting in her high chair, stuffing her mouth with blueberry pancakes, the same ones I love and my Mom has been making me since I was a baby myself.

"Oh, my God. These are just as I remember them, Mom." I say with my mouth full with one I stuffed in there too, hugging Mom around the shoulders as she's flipping more.

"Taylor! These are for Ellie." She exclaims as she turns away, making Ellie giggle even more. So much, bits and pieces of the pancake are flying around the kitchen out of her mouth.

I make my way over there, taking the plate away from her. "Okay, big girl. Smaller bites, please. We don't want you to suffocate." I break the rest of the food left on her plate into smaller pieces before giving it back to her.

I sit behind the kitchen island and Mom serves me my breakfast, yogurt parfait. "Mom, I could've made this mys-"

She interrupts me with a kiss to my forehead and sits next to me with her own bowl.

"Thank you." I smile lightly instead of fighting her. I can never win with her. There must be something on the 'Your Mom is always right' saying. "For taking care of Ell, too."

"I offered it myself, but you're welcome."

We spend the rest of the morning just chilling, playing with Ellie and slowly preparing the lunch Blake, Ryan and the girls are coming for around 1pm.

The bell rings just before 1, right when I am running downstairs. I go to open the door, finding the whole family of 6 behind it with smiles on their faces.

"Auntie Tay!" All 3 of the eldest girls are immediately wrapped around my legs.

"Okay, let's give Auntie Tay space to breathe." Blake laughs

"Hey, guys. Come in. Mom and Ellie should be in the kitchen." Ryan disappears in the apartment too, but Blake doesn't. We hug as we haven't seen each other in a while and I take her youngest daughter, Madison, who's giggling at me from her arms and she cuddles into my chest.

I wanna go after them to the kitchen but Blake takes my wrist, not letting me leave. "What's going on?" I laugh, not understanding at all.

"You're different." She checks me out multiple times and I can almost see all those little circles in her head working.


She shakes her head. "Something about you is different. And I will figure it out."

The lunch goes as smoothly as always. Probably one of the reasons these two are one of my best friends. I can tell them everything, we have the same kind of humor... I could go on and on for hours.

I can see Blake's eyes on me though, throughout the whole meal, probably trying to put those little pieces together.

"I think I got it." She says into the silence.

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