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    Noah was on his way home, frustrated, since he knew he had promised Raelyn that he would tuck her in bed that night. 

  The roads were crowded it being a Friday night regardless of the time.

Noah cursed under his breath as he started speeding, trying to get ahead of the crowd. 

His phone rang making him slow down as he pressed the screen on his car to pick it up, it was from Adam.

"Where are you?," Adam spoke

"On my way, work got delayed," He answered. 

"Well be quick, Raelyn's upset," Adam said angrily. "What's worse is that she isn't crying or saying that she's upset. Let alone her saying that she's upset, she's not saying anything at all," 

Noah let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm fifteen minutes away, I'll be there soon." 

The call was cut off, Noah jerked as a result of another car knocking the rear of his. 

"FUCK," Noah yelled not being able to hold his frustration in. 

He got out of his car ready to break who evers hands it weres who drove that car.

"Do you not have a pair of fucking eyes?" Noah said slamming the car door behind him. 

The person from the other car stepped out; a woman. 

'Of course, it was to my convenience I'm blessed,' He thought to himself cynically, looking at his now broken tail light.

"What were you thinking?" Noah fumed. 

"I am really sorry, my friend had fallen down the stairs at a party and has seemed to have injured her arm-," the woman started to speak. She had dark skin, and was tall and lean with thick black curly hair.

"-That does not mean you can drive carelessly, what if you were to be injured?," Noah cut her off, taking his phone and dialing Oliver to let him know what had happened, but before he could do so, someone from the passenger seat from the woman's car spoke, 

"Is it a big scratch?" the voice spoke, a familiar voice, yet Noah brushed it off. 

He chuckled in disbelief, "A scratch?" he let out another hefty laugh.  "A busted tail light, and your asking if it's a big scratch" he chuckled, dialing Oliver's number again. 

"Noah?" the familiar voice spoke again.

This time Noah decided to look up to see who it was; Kate. 


"Ya'll know each other?" The woman spoke.

"Yeah," Kate answered and started walking up to Noah. As she did she viewed the damage that was caused and winced. "I am really sorry, it was all my fault, I mixed up the left and the rights" 

"Are you okay?" he asked, disregarding her apology taking Kate by surprise. 


"Are you, okay?" Noah repeated. 

"I think so?" Kate replied. 

"She sure isn't" the woman replied. "She fell down the stairs and got her hand bruised, them bruises sure ain't look okay to me," 

Noah's  eyes went down to her hand that she was cradling with the other. It was bruised and did not look good. 

The other woman received a call which she picked up. 

"Yeah mom?" she answered, "But I can't, Kate fell down the stairs and-" 

Her speech was cut off and she stood there in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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