17: Bdubs

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I wanna give this book a sequel-

Considering the fact I have a minimum of 3 books I've had somewhat planned for ages, is adding another book that has priority to that list a good idea? 

It was supposed to be a peaceful protest. 

The only reason I joined was because Martyn said it would be a peaceful protest. 

Now Martyn and Ren helped me into the ex-tower block, Southern Tower, that now serves as the main Listener base, a bullet lodged somewhere deep in my leg. There are people everywhere, running around, creating medical stations and bringing down spare supplies from their apartments to make beds. There's screaming, people calling names. I think I hear a baby crying, but I'm not surprised by that any more. Apparently this place houses anyone running from the Watchers. Including the certain white-haired friend running towards me now.

'Bdubs!' Etho cries. 'Bdubs, are you ok?'

'We're getting him to one of the healing stations... Shubble! Is there space over there for one more?'

The dark haired medic glances over, giving a thumbs up. Martyn starts leading me over. Etho joins us.

'Did it go badly?'

'Check the news. And then reverse the blame. We were completely unarmed. There was nothing we could do.'

'Bdubs? You were hurt?'

'Yes I was fricking hurt! There's a BULLET in my FRICKING LEG!'

'Oh shoot...' We reach Shubble and she starts assessing my situation against that of the 10 or so others here... there's more bullet wounds, a couple broken limbs. Nothing too serious. They're all elsewhere.

'Alright... that looks pretty nasty... oh, and 1 guest only until he's moved to somewhere more permanent.' Martyn and Ren both share a glance and leave. I call thanks. Etho sits next to me as Shubble works.


'I thought you lived a few blocks away.' Etho nods.

'Well... I was worried about you. Heard you were joining the protest...'


'Yeah. Were you scared?'

'Of course I was scared! It was like the Blindfold all over again... people running everywhere. Shooting for anyone they could see. Including me.' I stare at where Shubble's started clearing the blood from my wound. Whatever she's using stings. A lot. I hold tighter to Etho's hand. 'And the worst was knowing that Scar was somewhere on the other side of the...' I realise. 'S***! Scar! What happened to Scar? He'll be worried about me. I need to message.' An image appears in my head of Scar fighting against the Watchers in the blindfold, insisting over and over that he's one of them. And then shot dead like Cleo. I send a quick message to him. He hasn't messaged me. It's 2 hours since the attack. Surely he would've noticed I wasn't at home. 

I try to convince myself nothing's happened to him. Maybe the Hawks were all taken back to their headquarters or had to help with clear up. He's had no time to do anything. He's completely fine.

'I need to give you stitches, but need to numb the area first. Are you fine with needles?' Shubble distracts me by saying.

'Yeah. Yeah I'm alright,' I lie. At this point I'm worried about breaking Etho's fingers I'm holding them so tight. He doesn't mention it. 

'Bdubs?' he murmurs instead. Once glance at Shubble with the needle and I have to close my eyes.

'Just... just keep talking. About anything. How's Beef doing?'

'Beef's good. He's managed to keep up a small selection of our illegal foods, and the black market here is great anyway. He's been experimenting with new meals. Some... aren't as good as others.... oh, also my neighbour Gem called me washed up after she beat me 30 times in a row on Pride City 4.'

'The Lion propaganda game? Why were you playing that? After what they did?'

'It was already downloaded... I thought it looked fun...'

I shake my head jokingly, but I'm still reminded of the protest again. The terror. The death. How much it's shaken us. 


I open my eyes, just enough to see my leg all sewn up. The blood's gone, but I still can't look for long before turning to Etho, and then the rest of the room on my other side. The chaos has died down slightly, but not much. There's still shouting, people running, people being brought in. We had to abandon the dead when we ran, but some clearly didn't last the journey back. 

But then I notice what the latest is wearing. 

It's not the rough 'armour' of the other listeners, or even civilian clothing. 

It's a Hawk flight-suit. 

It's a Hawk.

As more and more realise, I watch the group bringing then in become the centre of argument. I catch a flash of Martyn's blond hair before he's sprinting over to me. 

'Why's there's a Hawk here? What's going on?'

'It's Scar.'

My heart drops to my stomach.


Etho's arm's still around my shoulder. I feel I'd pass out if it wasn't.

'Dead?' The question doesn't want to come out. 

'All I heard was there was a plane crash.'

'But is he dead?' I stand. Shubble tells me to sit again. I ignore.

'I don't know! The guards are too busy fighting to answer.'

Ignoring Etho and Shubble talking about my leg recovering, I push past Martyn and stumble towards the guards. Towards Scar. 

'Hey, HEY! That's my BROTHER!' I shout. 'What happened? Is he alive?'

'...one of THEM here! Think of the families!'

'I'm not leaving until I get proof from a higher authority. No, I'm serious...' The Listener holding Scar repeats as the other keeps saying the risks, what the Hawks have done. Neither listen to me. Another slips away, probably to find the closest thing the Listeners have to a leader. 

'He's my brother. Just... just let me see if he's ok. Stop- stop ignoring me...'

'We should just shoot him to be safe...'

'No! He's my brother! Someone- someone tell me he's ok! Just- is he alive? IS HE ALIVE?'

'Move. All of you.' 

Another voice breaks through the argument. I have to step back as the listener leader appears, pushing through us to reach Scar. We let him and I try to listen to whatever he's muttering about.

'Take him to Med6.'

'What?! But...'

'Take him to Med6. Tie him to the bed to be safe, but he's unlikely to wake quickly anyway...'

The Listener nods, and Scar's carried away from me. The crowds disperse, but I can't, watching as the leader starts walking off too. 


Barely thinking, I sprint after, managing to grab their metal arm. He stops, and turns, eyes narrowed. I let go.

'I'm sorry... sir... Officer... but...' their expression softens.

'He's alive. Don't worry. Now get some rest. It's been a tough day for all of us.'


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