Chapter 2 - Learning. Again.

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"What?" I froze and my jaw dropped.

"Yes! You are still mine, and mine only!"

I was surprised at the fact that she did not move on from me at all. A hundred years was a long time. I looked awkwardly at her, unsure of what to feel. She was simultaneously my girlfriend and a stranger.

"I know you don't remember anything, but you don't have to be nervous, G. Not that it's bad though. You look cute!"

"I'm not nervous."

"Oookay, if you say so."

A brief pause ensued.

"Uh, Layla, right? Actually where are we right now? This whole place seemed to be destroyed and abandoned. It's like some battle had happened here."

"Oh it's because of that Ghoul..." her voice trailed off.

For a moment, I could have sworn that there was guilt written on her face.

"It all started a month ago..."


One month ago

A black figure approached the gates of Jaden Palace. Atop his head sat a top hat, and a dark cloak covered his body. A mist of black dust also swirled relentlessly around him. The earth rotted every step he took. Although one couldn't see him, he radiated an aura of malice.

"State your business!" Gate Guard 1 spoke.

The figure only stood in silence.

"Leave now, or we will use force." Gate Guard 2 warned.

"Like what you did to us?" The figure's low voice reverbed.

The ground trembled slightly. With each passing second, it trembled harder, and harder.

"S-Shit, call for back up!" Gate Guard 1 implored.

Soon, the trembles turned into a violent quake, causing the guards to fall. Crack lines spidered across the outer walls, the floor and the giant gates, reaching as far as they could get. Despite that, the palace's structure remains largely unscathed, unwilling to give in to the earthquake.

"Not bad." The figure remarked, impressed.

Two small magic circles then appeared on each guard's chest. Clenching his fists tightly, the figure crushed both guards' hearts. Blood rushed out of their mouths as they dropped on the ground, the life in their eyes slowly fading.

The palace gates swung wide open, surprising the patrolling guards, the gardeners and the servants who were nearby. Their eyes instantly caught sight of the dead guards outside.

"Oh... shit!" A patrolling Guard shouted. They quickly assumed formation and casted several spells to subdue the intruder. However, before they could even finish casting them, misty black spears impaled their hearts. The fleeing civilians were not spared either, all suffering the same fate.

Deafening alarms resounded throughout the air inside Jaden Palace, reaching all ears that were present. Guards who were stationed elsewhere rapidly rushed to the danger. Civilians who were idling or performing services dashed back into the palace and sought refuge in the reinforced rooms, praying for their lives.

In the King's room

"What's happening out there?" Gazaar asked a reporting Guard.

"My liege, an intruder has entered the palace, and he is killing everyone on sight!"

"What?!" Gazaar slammed his desk. "And you're telling me no one cannot stop him?!"

"My apologies, my liege. They say that this intruder is no ordinary Magii. In fact, he is using magic techniques far beyond us."

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