chapter 2

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Natalia Bridgers (POV)

Kira, my manager, gets Max and I to sign the contracts as soon as possible. It is evident Max is confused, but after hard glares from his team principal, he relents and agrees.

When Kira explained this to me, I wanted to shout and scream and yell in her face. I wanted to fire her. The only reason she's making us fake date is because of my problem.

I fake dated before, and it led to a real relationship. But then that cheater fucked several other girl in my own home. The falling out has rumors circulating all over the papers and the media.

Father, as terrible as he is, doesn't want rumors spread about me. Mainly because it affects him, too. I honestly couldn't care less. But then they shipped me off to Bahrain.

I give Max an annoyed look, but I do take him in. Blue eyes. Blond hair. The basic stuff. But then I see his dropping body, tired eyes, and messy hair. He looks like a bigger disaster than how I feel.

The minute the contracts are finished, I bolt up from my chair, ready to leave. Christian puts his hand up as if he's pausing, making all of us stop.

"Max, can you stay behind for a second? You two can go, thank you very much." Max stiffens beside me. Christian gives me a placating smile. I turn to Max with a slightly devious grin.

"See you later, love," I mock, Kira giving me a disapproving glare. I shrug and walk away from the room. Looks like this is my life now.


Kira gives me Max's phone number, so I text him.

this is natalia. add me to your contacts.


I roll my eyes at his dry text. Before I can click off my phone, a notification drops down. A Fall From Grace: How ex-model Natalia Bridgers and ex-fiancé Broke Up.

My eyes burn uncomfortably. I hate how the media is always attacking me for my lack of a career, but it's worse when they talk about my ex-fiancé. I was truly in love with him, and the messy breakup really hurt me.

I shut off my phone and toss it off my bed. It lands on the cushioned floor with a bounce before stopping. I fall back on the white sheets, marveling at the hotel.

It's as grand as can be, sparkling chandeliers in the entrance and the perfect air conditioning. The bed is also really comfortable, so I'm glad.

Everyone says to not sleep when feeling jet lagged, but my eyes are barely open. I close them, wishing to wake up in the next day already.


"It's just breakfast, Natalia," Kira repeated. "Take a photo, post something, that's it."

"You know I don't eat breakfast," I whispered, as if anyone could hear me in my hotel room. "Do I have to?"

I can practically hear Kira roll her eyes. "Yes, you do. He's in room 311. Text him and make sure he's up."

"Fine." I hang up and text him.

are u up?
we have to eat breakfast
hurry up
are u even awake?

He doesn't respond, much to my annoyance. I apply the last of my mascara on my lashes before going to his hotel room. It's one story up, so I take the stairs.

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