Chapter 21, Brutal Loss

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Warning: Mention of abortion, miscarriage.

Hailey's POV

I woke up  feeling dizzy and extreme pain. The nurses were taking my clothes off, putting an IV in my arm,

“Please try to save the baby!” The nurse nods,

“How far along are you?” I swallow the lump in my throat,

“i'm six weeks along. I want this baby!” The nurse puts some O2 on me. She tries to reassure  me that everything  will be alright. i'm not sure what was going on, I faded back out.

Matt's POV

I was waiting for a word on Hailey, when Andrew and Dana walked in, which  is a support for me. Minutes later, in came Carson and Anna with Courtney and Hunter. This really ticked me off, her father and maybe Anns can be here. But Courtney and Hunter have no reason to be here. A nurse tells us it may be awhile, so Andrew took me to the lunch room to eat. Unfortunately Courtney  decided to follow us.

After getting our food, we sit at a table, Courtney sits down beside me a little too close. I turn to her, with a hard glare in my eyes I say.

“Courtney, why are you here? Hailey's situation has nothing to do with you.” Courtney squeezes my leg with affection,

“Matt, I love you. Chances are she's going to lose the baby. i'm much better for you anyway. I know that Hunter and her parents want her to have an abortion.” I take a drink, then I hiss at her,

“i'm aware of how they feel. Are you thinking that if Hailey loses the baby, i'll be done with her?” Courtney nods,

“It's time to let her go, Matt! Hunter is a better match for her.”  I couldn't believe me ears,

“That's my decision to make, not yours.” I tell her point blank, I receive  a puzzled glance from Courtney.

“Darling, please understand, I just have your best interest at heart.” I furrow my brow at her,

“Coutyney , what you don'r understand is that I have a strong history with Hailey. I have dated her for over a year. I really love you. The only reason I gave you the time of day, is because of those stupid pictures. Now I really don't care what you do now. Or even Hunter, you two deserve each other.” I stand up, glancing at my brother.

“Andrew, Dana, i'm going to go and be by Hailey's side.” I totally ignore Courtney, as I leave though I hear her behind me.

Carson's POV

I was in the waiting area with Anna, Matt and his crew went to get s bite to eat, when a doctor came out  to speak to us.

“i'm Dr. Smith, are you related to  Hailey Morgan?” I give her a rueful smile,

“I'm   Carson Morgan her father, this is Anna her stepmother. What's going on?” Dr. Smith nods,

“She's bruised up from the fall . The baby is still alive, but is in a fragile state.”  I clear my throat, in order to ask a seerious request.

“Dr. Smith, Hailey is very young. She has a lot of life to live. Could you discreetly abort the baby. She'll have plenty of time to ger pregnant in the future. She's in the middle of her senior year. i'll even pay you.” Dr. Smith holds up her hand,

“No pay. If she loses the baby, I won't  stop it. That's all I can promise.” Carson clears her throat,

“i'm her father, it's in her best interest to have this baby aborted.” Hunter nods in agreement, as he says.

“The report says i'm the father. The other guy is someone she likes. I say if you can, abort the baby. Either of us aren't ready to be parents.” Dr. Smith seems to be sad,

Brutal LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang