Third Person pov

The club was loud and Iminathi nearly regretted her decision to go but pushed on and walked in...
It was filled to brim and smelt of weed and sweat all she saw was blinding lights and grinding bodies on the dance floor

She walked over to the bar and got a bottle of water
"R45 for a bottle of water is crazy mara yho?!"She thought aloud
"Do you think it should be made cheaper?"a voice behind her boomed
She turned around startled and was staring into the eyes of the man from the Café

"Well yes i do
I can't be paying so much money for 500ml of water yini? does the water refill itself after i drink it?"

"The pretty lady has jokes huh?"He chuckled "Well I'll keep it in mind and change the prices just for you"

"What do you mean change the prices?"She chose to ignore him calling her pretty

"Well i own the club mama
Thats what i mean" he grinned at her face starting to burn with embarrassment

Yho yho yho Iminathi yho?!
You just got here and you're offending people

"Im so sorry" she tried to say looking down not being able to make eye contact..

"Don't sweat it beautiful
I enjoyed your "criticism" if you can call it that.." He held her face up to stare at him
"I'd prefer you make eye contact with me when you talk to me" He stared at her face then her lips.

"I-I well sure?
Can i buy you a drink then?
As an apology?" She turned back to the bar to call the bartender over

He turned her stool back around to face him
"Well i would never let you buy me anything and theres no need to apologize but if you want to make it up to me you can allow me to buy you a drink instead?"

"How is that fair to you?"

"I never said anything about fairness now did I pretty girl?"
"Now what would you like to drink?"

"A strawberry daiquiri?"


"Yes please"

"Great choice"

He got her the drink and got himself a glass of whiskey he invited her up to his office where they spent most of the night chatting about everything from school to him owning multiple clubs and businesses

Iminathi found him so handsome and intriguing
He found her absolutely gorgeous
Smart as hell with a great sense of humor

He felt that they were absolutely meant to be but he wasn't going to pressure her well they weren't going to pressure her
He'd just woo her and then tell her all about it..

She'd definitely understand
She'd have to
There's nothing else she can do
He thought to himself watching her talk about her hobbies..

"Oh and I still have to change the prices for her" He thought chuckling to himself still watching her...

Pretty girl is ours now

Filler chapter bakhithi
I'm alive😭

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