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It was the day my fate changed even more...

I never expected a single push forward, would bring so much happiness...

I don't know how to describe it but I can still remember how it all started...

I mean, it was just a year ago and damn as I nervous...

But now when I look back...

It was worth it.


Today was the day...

"Ena time to go!"

The day I reluctantly leave my comfort zone.

"On my way mom!..."

The day I move to Tokyo.

I'm Ena Imai, I live with my mother in the
small tranquil town of Takayama located in the Gifu prefecture. We've lived a peaceful live; just the two of us, since I can remember.

She's a teacher in a local middle school, and has been my personal tutor since I was a kid. Oh yeah, forgot to mention I was homeschooled.

When Mother first brought me to kindergarten, other kids didn't really play with me or found me weird and classes were just straight up unbearable.

Though, I could all but describe them as annoying pricks, if I was in their shoes I would find me a bit weird considering the setting of course.I was a black girl and my mom wasn't.

Yeah last shocker, I'm adopted, my Mother; Yuki Imai, was a passionate traveler in her younger years and had an affinity to African culture, so when she had the opportunity to visit an orphanage in Nigeria, she chose me, and took it upon herself to raise me as her daughter and we've lived together ever since.

Though she's gradually slowed down with travelling over the years, she one day wishes for me to visit my home country, but I've vehemently declined that offer countless times.

Not that I hate the idea, I just don't have interest in doing so, not only does it feel like a lot of work, but I heard Nigeria can be super hot also not really the safest, but I searched about the cuisine there and from my research, it may be my change of heart.

My origins aside, my life has been quite listless, I preferred my own company and mainly interacted with my mom and my pet duck Mocha; she's my best friend hands down.

I spent my free time gardening tea plants in my backyard, freehand sketching in my drawing pad, playing with Mocha, taking long naps on the living room floor and occasional people watching; and I couldn't be happier that was until.

"Guess what Ena I have good news!"

My dear mother wanted me to "branch out" and "make connections" now that I was entering highschool as she described, and with a few phone calls, gave me the opportunity to move to Tokyo and stay with my Aunt; Yui Imai, her younger sister.

Aunt Yui lived with us at a point til she moved out cause of college, she's graduated since then and Is currently as an office worker at a big time telecommunications company, though she started a year ago, she's doing well with herself judging by the expensive Christmas presents I got.

We were quite close but she was way too extroverted for my liking or comfort; but I quite envious of her charisma and quick wit, all in all we were pretty chill with each other's company.

But when the news came I was devastated as I was intrigued, yes the taught of moving to Tokyo sounded quite entertaining,  but I wasn't sure I would be able to handle living in a compact space with her.

"Don't worry you'll love it"

Despite my numerous pleadings, mother still was still insistent on me going to the big city. Thus, I had no choice.

Now here I was, I stood under the fresh spring sun already pre-exhausted from my upcoming trip, my luggages had already been sent to my Aunt's place leaving only my backpack slung over my shoulder and Mocha in arms for comfort. All that remained was to say goodbye to Mother.

She still inside the family Minka, possibly on the phone, after a while she came out and wore a sad smile on her aging features, she still looked pretty though.

Before she took up travelling, Mother was known as the 'beauty of Kami Sannomachi'; the district where we lived. She told me humourous stories of men asking for hand in marriage more times than she could count. It got so tiresome that she had to move around during late hours or wear a head scarf during the day. She was a sweet soul with a kind heart but was assertive of her ideals and values.

So, when she left the town, many people was devasted especially the men, but when she returned with a child (a.k.a me) she was met with distraught and disappointment, but she was happy with her choice and that was what truly mattered to her.

She was slow to her steps and I could hear light sniffles, I was shocked at the thought of her crying, yes she was a caring woman but I couldn't remember the last time I saw her shed a tear.

When we were close,she engulfed me in a hug, Mocha squirmed in my grasp so I had to drop her. The hug was warm and comforting just like Mother,  I wasn't going to see her in a long time, and it would be a understatement if I said I would miss her and judging by her tight grip on me, she may have felt the same.

"I-i'll miss you Ena, my sweet princess"
She whispered softly into my ear.

My voice hitched, and before I knew it, tears began to stream down my face.

"I'll miss you too Mother" I muttered, but she managed to hear me.

She took her small pale hands and cupped my dark face, her smile never fading.

"Don't cry Ena, be strong for me, I'll be fine and I know you'll be too" She calmly reassured, her smile never fading.

Hearing her words, I managed to stop my waterworks, and she helped to wipe off the residual tears off my face.

Through my puffy eyes, I took a good look at her soft facial features which always knew how to calm me down over the years. So, with a small boost if confidence, I flashed a wide smile and proclaimed.

"Don't worry Mom I'm Ena after all!"

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