Chapter 3

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*Please leave respectful comments about Paige and Azzi, anything that goes too far I will be removing. This is all for fun and all fictional. I am not assuming or forcing anything*


"Hey Nika what's up?" Paige asks the Croatian girl as she walks into her room, making her pause her MLB the show game on her PS5.

"Just wanted to chat and catch up. You know the usual" Nika says as she takes a seat next to Paige on her bed.

Nika and Paige are super close friends, which is why everyone calls them twins because they just know each other so well. But Nika can read Paige like a book and vise versa.

Nika is also the only person Paige has told that she has feelings for Azzi because she didn't want to risk telling the whole team and it getting back to her. Nika wasn't shocked when Paige told her, everyone can tell the blonde likes Azzi just by the way she looks at her.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Paige asks looking over a Nika

"I don't know, anything new happen with you and Azzi?"

"No not really. We shared like a moment yesterday but I don't want to read too much into it" Paige admits

"Girl what does that mean? What happened" Nika asks confused

"We got ice cream and she got some on her lip so I wiped it away with my finger and we held eye contact for a while" the blonde explains smiling as she remembers the moment.

"Dude what that's not nothing!" Nika says excitingly, softly hitting Paige's shoulder

"Yea but I don't know, I don't want to overthink it you know? Like there is still no actual evidence that she likes me back" Paige says softly

"Paige you must be blind then because you two look at each other like you guys are in love. The entire team knows it, you two are just oblivious"

"You really think so?" Paige says meeting Nika's eyes

"I know so" Nika says "Be a little bold, see how she responds. You never know what could happen until you try"

"Yea you're right, thanks" Paige smiles having some confidence build in herself

"No problem" Nika answers "A bunch of us are gonna go to the bar tonight, you wanna come?" She adds

"Yea I'm down, what time?"

"9, so in an hour"

"Ok sweet I'll start getting ready" Paige says as Nika gets off her bed and leaves allowing the girl to change.

Little does the blonde know, a conversation similar to the one she just had with Nika was taking place in Azzi's room as well.

"Azzi what are you worried about. We can all tell you like her so why not act on it" Caroline asks Azzi who's sitting on her bed and Caroline is sitting at her desk chair.

"Because, it's just complicated" Azzi answers with a million different things consuming her mind as she starts playing with her fingers.

"What's complicated?" Caroline asks not understanding

"Just us being together. We're best friends, if we get together we could potentially lose that and I don't want that to happen. And what about the team? We're teammates, so much could go wrong" she rambles trying not to let her insecurities show.

"Azzi if you are always worried about what could happen, you will never be happy in the present moment"

"But that's a good thing to be worried about. I don't want us to get together and have something happen and have it affect the team. That's selfish" Azzi defends

"It will only affect the team if you guys let it. And I know both of you, you two would never let something like that jeopardize the team" Caroline tries to reassure her

"Ok but what about the fans?" Azzi asks next

"What about them?"

"They might speculate and dig too much into our personal lives and who knows what could happen" Azzi worries

"Once again Azzi if you keep worrying about what could happen you will never be happy in the present

"Yea but it's a valid concern" she argues

"Okay then would you want to keep the relationship private?" Caroline asks trying to understand Azzi's point of view

"I don't know. I don't want to hide, I want to be able to act like a couple but I don't want everyone watching out every move breathing down our necks" Azzi admits

"Okay then be private but not a secret, as KK always says about her man" Caroline jokes to ease the tension which works because Azzi laughs

"Yea I guess, we will just have to figure it out" Azzi says

"Yea but first you need to get the girl" Caroline says stating the obvious which makes Azzi laugh again

"Easier said than done" Azzi argues

"I think it will be easier than you think. That girl is head over heels for you" Caroline says standing up getting ready to leave

"Don't jinx it" Azzi remarks which makes Caroline put her hands up in surrender as she walks to the door

"A bunch of are going out to the bar tonight. You should come and let loose, have some fun. Maybe make a move" Caroline winks which makes Azzi laugh

"Shut up" Azzi says throwing a pillow at her which Caroline catches and throws back

"Be ready in an hour" Caroline says as she walks out leaving Azzi to figure out what to wear.

AN ~ sorry for the short chapter it's just a filler so I can set up the next chapter. But I hope you guys enjoyed. Please feel free to comment, I love reading them and interacting with you guys!

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