1.9| possess

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winnie and charles grunt a few times as they pull edwin up. usually two person can easily pull a weight of one, but somehow the magic in there made it difficult. charles leans his head back as he struggles. the squawking of the crow is starting to get on winnie's nerve. charles chuckles and pants "keep mocking me, crow. i'll make you my friend eventually. everyone likes me, i'm a good sort of chap." winnie snorted as her palm starting to burn from pulling on the rope.

"you know you're talking to a fucking bird, right?" she glances back to charles before pulling harder on the rope. "yeah i know. it's quite therapeutic, i'd say." edwin grunts as he throw the backpack to the floor before landing on the floor, exhausted. the other two let go of the rope and exhaled. charles rushes beside edwin "you get becky?"

"i put her in your backpack. and also... there's a large snake in there." edwin gulps as he stares at the ceiling. charles shakes his head "that's not important. let's go, before the witch came back."


esther was taking another smoke when she trace her fingers on a now paralyzed crystal's cheek. crystal gasps as she struggles to move. "teen girls have such lovely elasticity to their skin. i mean you can stretch it yards and yards."

a brick flew in a high speed towards esther but she dodged it in the last second. she glares towards the thrower which happens to be winnie. she was glaring fiercely, charles went to stand besides her. "leave her alone!" charles pulls out a cricket bat out of his backpack.

"ah! your little ghost friends have come to rescue you." she smirks before pointing her cane towards winnie. "i've seen you before. you're the dead girl that everyone hates. didn't know you hang out with this.. pathetic so-called detectives." winnie clicked her tongue in annoyance, wondering if she should throw another brick.

"who i hang out with is none of your damn business, witch." everyone can hear the threaten in winnie's voice but esther only laughs. "so lucky. you're dead but get to stay young forever. i'm so.. jealous, i.. i could just scream."

esther glares at her as she march forward. charles lets out a war cry raising his bat ready for attacking. he was thrown to the other side of the lawn when esther hit his body with the cane. he knocks over a stack of bricks.

edwin followed after charles, running and raising his hand but quickly thrown to the opposite side of the lawn, crushing the little greenhouse.

while esther was preoccupied with the boys, she didn't notice winnie had advanced forward. the witch raises her eyes only to be kicked in the face. she stumbled back holding her nose.  winnie was about to strike again but she was too slow, the cane hit her at her sides.

she was also thrown near edwin but not as worst as the boys. she hiss in pain as she inspects the burn on her jacket. "iron cane. sturdy. good for the lower back. don't you just love it?" the witch went back to crystal and stands by her head. winnie tries to stand up, clutching her side in pain.

"this is gonna suck for the both of us." crystal mumbled straining before she hold onto esther's heels, her eyes turned white. winnie's eyes widened when the witch throws her head back, her eyes also went white.

esther gasps before falling down. she takes a few gasp before turning around. she crouches slowly towards the house. charles sit up clutching at his side, panting before thinking of something. but, edwin wouldn't like this. he stands up with a grunt before slowly moving to the witch "charles, what are you doing?" winnie asks nervously.

"charles, no!" the boy jumped onto the woman, possessing her. winnie help edwin stands by pulling him up. they both rushed to crystal and helped her up. meanwhile charles who is in the woman's body manage to stand up although in a weird way.

"have you lost your mind? we never possess people, it sets off all sorts of bad consequences." the witch are swaying back and forth as charles controls her, much like a drunk person. winnie wanted to laugh but she figured this is not the best time.

"i know. kind of extenuating circumstance, you know?" they all watch as the woman step back to the house's porch. "look i'll take her inside, you guys take the backpack with becky in it and get out."

"charles, as much as i appreciate your brilliant thinking by controlling a witch, you need to get out of her body now." winnie press sarcastically on the word brilliant as she hold onto a tired crystal.

"look, edwin is the smart one, and i'm the one the one who does shit like this. hurry up, she's putting up a fight." the possessed woman smack her face against the pole over and over again, and the other three grimace.

charles jumps out of esther's body and rolled off the stairs. he grunts in pain before winnie hauled him by his arm to help him stand up. they all huddled close as esther laughs maniacally with a bleeding forehead, thanks to charles doing.

"oh you dig around my memories, huh? you have opened a real bag of worms." she laughs again before the crow can be heard squawking from the inside. "monty! jesus! i'm trying to threaten some kids." she yells frustrated before slamming the door.

the four of them had a few moments of silent before winnie break it. a grin slowly creep up her lips. " ..hurray?"



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