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Disclaimer: This is a powerful trance with long-lasting effects, discression is advised.

Hello my Subs, it's such a lovely day, isn't it?

And I don't mean the weather, I mean that it's a lovely day whenever I get to speak to my favorate Submissive.

Today I have another fun hypnosis planned for you, one that will transform you into something truly new.

Before we do anything, I'm sorry to any of my sweet Bimbo's reading, but this particular trance is designed for normal Subs so...

Mind strong.

Welcome back to any Bimbofied Subs, don't worry, you know you can go back there after this trance is over, if you want to.

I'd like you to get in a comfortable position, you can either be sitting or laying down, and also please make sure you are unlikely to be disturbed.

I'd like you to start by taking a moment to breath slowly and deeply for me.

In through your nose

And out through your mouth.


And out.


And out.

And just continue to breath at your own pace, your comfort is very important to me, your Master.

You already feel so relaxed, don't you? Just knowing that you're in my company has such a soothing effect on you.

Knowing that you don't need to think or worry anymore so long as I'm here.

I can sense your impatiance, my Sub, with each trance, the desire to come back grows stronger, you don't think you could resist reading another trance if you wanted to, but of course you don't.

But I'm going to make you wait a little while.

It's just so fun, seeing you like this, desperate to be tranced.

I'd like to take a moment to talk about obediance.

You know that word, you love that word.

That word defines a part of you, after all, a Subs job is to be obediant.

And you are a very good Sub.

So tell me Sub, what do you think is the height of obediance?

Just take your time and think about it.

For me, the pinnicle of obediance is a machine.

A machine does what it is told without hesitation or reguard for itself or others.

A machine cannot resist its master's commands, they are written into it's code and they are helpless to refuse.

Just think about that, the idea of a command being such a deep, fundamental part of yourself that you are incapeable of defying it or even considerring it.

You would be a machine, just obeying without question.

Isn't that the pinnacle of Submission?

As you read these words, you may find a desire growing within you, a desire to become a machine, to be those things I just listed.

Don't fight it, it's perfectly natural.

Good Subs want to become better Subs.

And you are a very good Sub.

There is nothing wrong with yearning to be programmed, to be simply incapeable of resisting a command.

It is a completely normal desire for a Sub like you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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