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Though it had been a year since he passed, to her, she lost her husband yesterday.

          Marriage was a duty well recognized where she came from, though her mother promised it's splendor she would watch her father treat her terribly over and over again.

          Women were simply overweight children whom know not their left nor right. This was the manner of society she was found and lost in.
She had been bethroted at birth and when she turned eighteen her excuse for a father found reason to discard her.

          Her new life began shortly.

          In the house and arms of her husband she soon found assurance and peace, though she was forced to wed him at a young age the two hadn't been blessed with children and the circumstance remained so for two whole years.

          In the face of this turmoil she'd weep, yet, her husband showed not an atom of frustration. He would comfort her.

          As time would have it, he passed away leaving a grieving wife alone.

          The nights were used to shed tears for him and days bore thoughts, in the early days she feared and hated this man she married, now, he meant the world to her.
          He was no ordinary man, she was new to him but he welcomed her. She kept distant, but he was a master in the art of patience, and when she grew weary, he longed for her.

          The two were one, his love birthed her love for him and turned marriage into fantasy.
          His time was short, she would have rather been married from day one.

The Early DaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang