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siting alone in the dimly lit room, memories of the past flood my mind like a relentless torrent, each one carrying the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled promises. I can still feel the sting of his indifference, the emptiness of his neglect echoing in the corners of her heart.

The moments we shared, once filled with laughter and warmth, now seem like distant echoes of a love that was never truly reciprocated. Every ignored plea for attention, every overlooked gesture of affection, serves as a painful reminder of her diminished worth in his eyes.

I wonders how i could have been so blind, so naive to believe that love alone could sustain them through the storms of indifference. The tears that once flowed freely now linger behind closed doors, silent witnesses to the ache that resides within my soul. I longs for the comfort of understanding, for someone to hold me close and tell me that i am worthy of love, of attention, of being seen. But the echoes of his silence drown out my cries, leaving me to navigate the depths of my sorrow alone, longing for a glimmer of hope to light my way forward...

I can't cry in front of anyone just because my children I don't want to make them sad but what about me, can't I deserve a better life, I accepted his neglence, ignorance rude behaviour but now a step son i couldn't bear this...

In the midst of my own pain, i receives news that adds another layer of complexity to my already fractured world: my estranged husband, the man who walked away without a second glance, has a stepson who seeks solace in her arms.

The revelation leaves me reeling, torn between the desire to offer comfort to a child who knows nothing of the wounds inflicted by his father and the fear of reopening old wounds that have yet to heal.

I wrestles with conflicting emotions, grappling with the weight of responsibility thrust upon my shoulders by a past i thought i had left behind. Despite the uncertainty that clouds my mind, a glimmer of compassion flickers within my heart, a beacon of light amidst the darkness of betrayal and abandonment.

I knows the road ahead will be fraught with challenges, but i also knows that i cannot turn my back on a child in need, for in him, i sees echoes of my own longing for love and acceptance.

Yunus already informed me about arsh but today when I saw him with my eyes, I can't beleive that he is totally like Faris, I felt a sudden urge to tell him that now he is my child and that's why I stopped him and informed everyone that he is now living with us

I don't want to make him like his father and that's why I stopped him, but still a fera is in my heart what if I couldn't become a good mother for him, what if I wouldn't give the love which heis craving from last year's and the most important questions who is his mother?


My anger simmers beneath the surface like a dormant volcano, its fiery intensity threatening to erupt at any moment. Every word spoken, every action taken by phuppo feels like a personal attack, a deliberate attempt to undermine the pain and struggle of life. But beneath the anger lies a deep sense of hurt and vulnerability, a wounded heart yearning for understanding and validation.

I look at ahaan who just sleep now crying for hours, i can't handle him at that moment when that stupid, nonsense arsh revealed that he is step brother of ahaan and Faris, I'm also feeling sad for Faris, he went out for somewhere when he come to know that arsh is his step brother and now he is going to live under the same roof..

Noor was so much scared for Farsi because he didn't inform anybody where he is going. I came into Noor's room and I watches her navigate the tumultuous waters of life, a heavy sadness settles in my heart like a leaden weight, pulling me down into a sea of sorrow.

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