Still On Briefing of The Past

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"Are you sure you want to stay with atok?"

"Ye, mak," Boboiboy patiently replied.

"This isn't just staying over for holiday. You'll study there, live there, sleep there. You only come back here on holiday, you know!"

"Ye, mak. I know. I understand the situation fully."

"Then...then...," sniffs echoed in the holographic video call. "...make sure you pack everything!"

"Mak, please don't cry."

"How should I not?" Now the sniffs turned to sobs. Boboiboy, you ungrateful child. "My baby is leaving his birthplace nest so soon! To another nest! With my baby's grandpa!"

"Mak... it's fine. Everything will be okay. Besides, you can't expect me to stay at Mak Cik Mara's house for another week. I'm shy lah..."

"I know..."

"Mak..." a sigh. "Ayah, can you—"

Boboiboy paused himself when he saw his own father, in the background of the holographic video call vainly pretending he was not choking on his own blood.


Then, the screen was moved away and replaced with a metallic face that Boboiboy knew quite well.

"It's fine, Oboi. Let me handle this."

Boboiboy lit up in hope. "Mimi—"

Just when hope appeared, that hope dwindled down as the red Power Sphere began to have tears in his eyes. He sniffed before looking away while continued by saying, "I-I can handle—," and ultimately burst onto tears. "WAAAAH! OBOI'S LEAVING!!!"

Boboiboy slowly turned into stone.

Google never taught him how to not make two adults and a robot cry.


"Hue hue hue~, after years of waiting, we're finally back at Pulau Rintis — where it was all begin!"

"Uh, it just been six months. Not years."

"Yada yada yada. Half a year, still the same."

"No, it's not—"

"Don't question her further, Gamma. For your own sake."

"Huhuhu... Boboiboy, you're finally came back!"

He smiled at the reaction coming from his yellow robot pal. "Hmm, I missed you too, Ochobot. Have fun working with atok?"



Tok Aba simply smiled at the reunion. For months, they had been waiting for this moment. Right after he heard from his son himself that Amato was unable to come back for the time being (which was quite long) Tok Aba had suggested to let Boboiboy just move in with him as a joke.

Read ; as a joke.

But that Amato had always been too protective of his child despite his constant statement of saying to let Boboiboy be independent. But this time was quite reasonable. After all, Boboiboy was ten who soon was eleven. And no child that age should be left alone in a house for a long time.

Mara had suggested taking care of Boboiboy, but it would be better if it was a close family member who took care of him.

That was how it ended up with Boboiboy moving to Pulau Rintis with Tok Aba. It was rather sad that Boboiboy had to leave his old home, but it would be sadder if Boboiboy grew up in an empty house with only video calls as his only resources to see his parents.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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