^^ pretence ^^

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I guess I fell in love with you
Watching the distant stormy seas
When we'd first sat together
On that old log at the beach
Where we shared simple works of arts and music
Beneath the cloudy skies
And also simpler stories of joy and sorrow
Through wistful teenage eyes
Even if we were surrounded
By any sinister breeze

Sometimes I feel that
My poems never made sense
But that did not matter
They were meant only for you
It really hurt my soul to watch you go
Even if it was perhaps for the best
I really don't know
But it was clear that you never wanted
To partake in any more pretence

Of course, there's many
Other broken hearts in Paris
And in Toulouse, Bordeaux, La Rochelle
And everywhere else
So, it will just take some time
For me to heal
And I do not want you
To remain either with me in this ordeal
Let us eventually redesign our lives
With new and better choices

Often, I know that these songs
Barely make any sense
But before, it never mattered
They were only meant for you
It hurt my soul to watch you go
I guess I should really perhaps love myself more
I still don't know
But it was certain that I too
Never wanted to be engaged with any more pretence

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