4 | So high school

391 14 1

seven months before the accident - seven years ago
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Jumping down the steps of our old town house I make a rush towards the kitchen hoping to eat something before I'm shipped off to hell.

"Slow down Grayson!" Mum shouts from her spot cleaning the dishes from last night Chinese takeout.

"Morning." I greet her as I rummage through the room trying to find my history book that I am in dire need of if I don't want to get another dentention from Mrs Jo,

"I'm covering Hallies shift today for work, so I will be back late. Is that okay?" She leans against the counter watching me, I finally locate the bright blue textbook thanking whatever gods don't hate me already.

"All good" I press a kiss to her forehead knowing that it will help keep her stress level at bay.

A consistent string of honks comes from the street outside, I watch amused as she groans and slaps two apples in my hand.

"Tell that boy I will have his ear next time he comes round if he keeps doing that." She threatens though we both know Finn would never stop, with my bag slung over my shoulder I slap a loud kiss on her cheek before running out the door and into my best friends car.

"Catch" I say as I throw the spare apple at Finn, he catches it not so gracefully with one hand while swerving the corner of the road.

"Asshole" he mutters,

"Where's Kass?" I ask when I take in the empty back seat, usually Finn's little sister rides with us as she's only in the grade below and she doesn't take bus.

"She refused to come with us, said something about it being a new year." He shakes his head, for as long as I've known Finn - which has been his whole damn life - he has always been protective of Kassia.

For good reason, she's fucking beautiful.

"Who's she going with then?" I take a bite of my apple,

"Jon" He grits out, I nearly choke on my apple. An uncomfortable feeling stirring in my stomach.

"You let her go with that douche?!"

"I didn't let her do anything! dad made it very clear that I was to stay out of it." We groan at the same time, the sleeve of his school shirt rides up exposing the black ink we both got done a few nights ago.

"I can't believe you let her go with him. The fuck is wrong with you."

"Again I couldn't make her stay dipshit, if you're going to be this annoying go to school on your bike." I slap his cheek causing him to start whining like a baby.

"Seen your dad?" He asks his voice turning serious, we barely discuss my absentee workaholic dad.

"Just the usual from good old billionaire dad, actually this month I got a plane ticket! Wanna go to Costa Rica." I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he bursts out laughing. I pull out a cigarette from the pocket of my school pants as Finn passes me a lighter.

I breathe in the smoke, the peace, the momentary peace that makes me forget about all the chaos happening in my mind. Sometimes it gets too much, I feel like I'm a visitor in my own body, I can't tell what's real and what's fake.

The car comes to abrupt halt and I look over at Finn, the car stays silent as we stare at each other an understanding burning through us that if one of us go down we go down together.

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