Part 4:High Up + Spin the bottle, practice round.

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Ameera: Ya'll, i'm boredddd, what do we do?

Katie: Dunno.

Kyra: Yeah, me neither.

Andreea: Hmm..

Ismael: Well...we could watch netflix and chill ig?

Katie: That's what she said.

Ismael: Wait, huh?....OH F*CK.!

Katie: LMAO

Kyra: *yawn* I'm gonna head to sleep now. See yall.

Ismael:It's only 8:30pm!

Kyra:I don't stay up past then.. besides i'll probrably get jet lag.

Katie: Tf is jet lag?

(Jet lag, or desynchronosis, is a temporary condition that occurs when a person's sleep schedule is out of sync with the time zone they are in.)

Katie: Oh, thanks, editor.

Kyra: Yeah. Now im gonna go knock myself out.

Katie: Aight, See ya!


Ismael:Well, it's just us 5 now.

Kaiden: Yeah..

Ameera: Maybe we could play spin the bottle?

Andreea: What do we do in spin the bottle?

Ameera: Ok, so basically, you literally spin the bottle, and the person it lands on has to get asked a truth or dare question. Or just any question, if you want.

Andreea: Ohhh, okay, i get it..

Ameera: Alright!! Let's play!

(The bottle spins.)

Ismael:Who's it gonna land on....

(The bottle lands on...)

Andreea: Gulp...


Katie: Oh, me! So..What are you lot gonna ask me?

Ismael: Hmmmmmmm....

Andreea:...OH OH!!!! *Ahem* Is it true that if you drink 3 bottles a day, Katie Pisswell comes out to play?...

Katie: Stop that! 

Andreea:But you gotta awnser my question.

Katie: You already know the awnser, right?

Andreea:Hmmm No, i have simply forgotten, original gangster.*trying to get her to say yes.*

Ameera: I don't know what to ask, so i'll just wait i guess..

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