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CHAPTER ELEVEN song: everybody wants to rule the world — tears for fears

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song: everybody wants to rule the world — tears for fears

TIME HAD FLOWN BY. It was already mid-October and the trees' green leafs had turned brown, blanketing the ground in the small town of Willowdale.

Rachel loved the crisp breeze of the month, which signaled the inevitable approach of winter. She also loved the spooky atmosphere of the streets adorned with pumpkins, skeletons and fake spiderwebs, and everyone's excitement for the upcoming festivity of Halloween.

"I think I'll be a vampire," said Amy. "But like a really sexy one. I'll add a ton of fake blood from my chin down to my cleavage. Maybe I'll also draw a bat on my cheek; that would look so cool."

"Don't forget the fake fangs" Rachel pointed out before taking a bite from her lunch "I want to dress up as Sissy Spacek in 'Carrie' but if my parents saw me they would probably flip out."


"Symbolism," she explained vaguely "They never allowed me to watch the movie but Mary Anne and I rented it one day and we watched it at her house." Rachel shrugged.

She couldn't help but see herself in Carrie, especially in the girl's strained relationship with her mother. She had also grown up in a strict, religious household where her parents' devoted beliefs dictated nearly every aspect of her life, from the clothes she wore to the people she could befriend.

Rachel also empathized deeply with the pain and loneliness of being misunderstood among other people, especially at school. She thought the other students would've stopped with the accusations by now, but that was far from reality. Some of them still believed she had something to do with Mary Anne's death, and they made sure to remind her every single day.

Just like Carrie, Rachel longed for acceptance and respect.

"If you really want to dress up as her, just do it in my house. They won't find out," said Amy.

Rachel nodded, smiling faintly at her. Their relationship had improved a lot since their last fight.

"What are you going to be for Halloween, Jo?" the brunette asked, redirecting her attention to Josette, who had stayed quiet during the whole lunchtime.

"Uhm... Me and one of my little sisters, Denise, are dressing up as the twins from 'The Shining'."

"Cool" Amy nodded "What about your brother?"

"Honestly I don't know." Josette shrugged.

No matter how many times Kai had made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with Amy, she seemed to keep thinking that sooner or later he would change his mind.

Rachel hadn't interacted much with him for a while, Kai appeared to be keeping his distance and she didn't know why, which only heightened her curiosity towards him. For some strange reason, despite how much he annoyed her, Rachel found herself drawn to the attention Kai paid her. She felt seen by him. And even though she had tried multiple times to shake off the connection she felt when she was near him... she couldn't.

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