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I slipped into my class right before it started

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I slipped into my class right before it started. My first class and I was already almost late, my mother would have a fit. I sit in the middle row, not too close but not too far.

"Welcome to Stats 111. This is going to be one of your easier classes." My professor said, turning on a PowerPoint.

As he explained the keynotes of his PowerPoint, my professor handed us each a physical copy of our syllabus, as well as a calendar with every test date, including midterms and finals.

"Every day, you just have to sign in to the class online so I know you're here. If you know you're not coming to class, I don't need an excuse as to why unless you're gone for more than three days in a row. That being said, do the work online. You pay like what, twenty thousand to be here every year? Get something instead of wasting a down payment on a Lamborghini." He clapped his hands, and some of the class chuckled.

I should've honestly taken stats my freshman year, but I wanted to get my harder classes out of the way. That being said, this class and sales management were probably going to be my favorites.

We ran through what my professor called a placement test. It'll show what he needs to go over, and he told us he'll have a set lesson plan our next class. After that, he ended class twenty minutes early.

I slid my laptop into my bag and left. It was only 12:25, so I had enough time to go back to my dorm and take a nap.

"Simone." I heard someone call my name, and I turn and saw Roman. He was wearing a pair of jean shorts, a Biggie Smallz shirt, and a pair of white forces.

"Wassup." I give him a wave when he finally caught up to me. We weren't exactly the best of friends, not that Gia would've allowed us to be anyway, but we were cool.

"Shit, just left my graphics class. What class you got now?" He asked, walking with me across the grass toward my dorm building.

"I have management 3 at 2:30. What class you got?" I check my Apple Watch, and he pulls out his phone.

"I got the same class, that's crazy. I'm finna go to my dorm though, that cafe food got my shit bubbling." He smiled, and I laughed.

"Okay, shitty booty. I'll see you later." I give a smile and watched as he walked off.

My time spent with Roman was always hot cold. One second he's friendly, the next he doesn't want to speak and is seemingly mad at the world. One thing never changes, and it's the fact that aside from the first day, we have never touched. Not a handshake, not a hug. Hell, not even a high five.

Watching him walk down the walkway, I couldn't deny he was fine. Especially when he gave me those little lazy smiles, the lord knew what he was doing when he created him.

Shaking my head, I got rid of the thoughts from my mind. Me and him was friends, it was a little weird.

I push open the door to get into my dorm building, and already I see a bunch of people in the lobby.

"Man bruh, yall gon' get out my way today. I wanna take a nap." I groaned, politely pushing through people to get to the elevator.

When I reached my floor, I was damn near ready to fall asleep in the hallway. I unlock my door, and when I opened it, I saw Gia sitting at her desk, typing away on her computer.

"I'm gonna drop out." She mumbles putting her glasses on top of her head.

I threw my book bag at the side of my bed before I climbed up. "I felt that man." I grumble, putting my face in the pillow and trying to fall asleep as fast as I could.

Right when I was about to go to sleep, I had the urge to go pee. "Fuck!" I scream, jumping down and going into our bathroom, slamming the door.

"It's never that serious!" I heard Gia yell from outside, and I mock her words under my breath.

I finish using the bathroom, wash my hands, and try to go asleep again, but now I'm not even sleepy anymore. It's like I peed all the sleepiness away.

"I'm gonna end it all. I'm gonna tickle my teeth with a shotgun." I whine, sitting up in my bed.

"I'd offer you some melatonin, but you have class." She points her pen at me, turning in her chair.

"I know, and I still have like, an hour left until I have to leave." I pull my laptop out, seeing if there was anything I had to do.

I had to fill out a couple of discussion posts for my consumer marketing class, and by the time I was done, it was almost time to leave for my next class.

"I hope one of those fat ass campus buses hits me on the way there." I tell her, and she snorts.

"Make sure you break something valuable for more money. Heard spinal injuries pay gold." She blew me a kiss, and I shut the door behind me.

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