Method acting

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It was a normal Sunday evening in smiling valley, and all the critters were preparing for the coming Saturday, rehearsing the script they've been given for the next episode.

Well, MOST of them anyway.

The playtime company had received a few emails from investors that they needed their brand to be more "lgbt-friendly" if they wanted to attract more customers.

And so to do that, they decided to modify their mascot character toy's backstories and appearances a bit.

They made it canon that Catbee and Candy Cat were together, and gave some characters lgbt ribbons based on which ones they think they would have. (Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy got Bi ribbons, Mommy long legs got a Pan ribbon, Bunzo got a mlm one, etc.)

But the biggest thing they were doing to satisfy the emails was putting lgbt themes into the smiling critters cartoon.
The next episode was making it canon that Kickin and Hoppy were both transgender, that all of them were Bi or Pan, and would even have them explore polyamorous relationships.

But most especially, they were planning on canonizing the fact that Catnap and Dogday were in fact a little bit more than friends.

And this made Catnap extremely anxious.

In the episode's script, it said that Dogday was supposed to confess to him, and then they'd have a big cinematic kiss in front of the sunset as the ending to the episode.

But Catnap was scared stiff.

How could the writers do this to them?! Dogday and him were just friends, not lovers! This would make their real friendship awkward...

Wait... WERE they really just friends?
The more Catnap thought about it, the more he was less sure...

Ever since Dogday and him first met, he'd always felt a closer connection to him than the others.

When they were all playing together, Dogday would always wanna make him feel included, even if the others didn't. When Catnap was feeling down and out, Dogday was always the first to try and cheer him up.

He was super funny, he was really friendly and sweet, and even on his off days, he always made an effort to make others happy...

Not to mention he was adorable.

His eyes were so beautiful, and his orange fur was so soft... he was a perfect critter.

And it's not like Catnap and him weren't used to showing physical affection already.

They'd sit together, hug pretty often, sometimes hold hands while walking, and catnap would sometimes even bump Dogday's thigh with his when he was feeling playful.

Come to think of it, they kinda could be mistaken for a couple by someone who had only just started watching the show.
No wonder the staff wanted them to get together.

Contemplating this only made catnap blush and sigh solemnly, feeling even more confused.

Even if he really did feel something more for his best friend... would Dogday feel the same way...?

He was rolling around on the floor, contemplating this, when he heard a knock at the door.

He quickly gets up, steadying himself. "It's unlocked!" He whispers, loud as he could without it hurting.

The door opened, and there was Dogday, who waved awkwardly.

Nap's eyes widened, smiling nervously. 'O-oh hey buddy!' He signs shakily. 'W-what's new with you?'

Day smiles. "Nothing much, just..."
He steps forward. "I need to talk to you about something."

Catnap almost starts visibly shaking. 'O-oh?' He says, gulping. 'What's that?'

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