Chapter 12

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I looked at Heath with my expression like that of a lost person. Over the years I had learned to make such an expression. I couldn't have anyone looking in my past. My name was Amelia and that was what they needed to know.

"I'm sorry," it was the lady who apologized even though she had no need of it. Heath was the one who had a part in destroying me. He had a part in making me the woman I was now. "Gosh, I have no idea what to even say," she added in a painful expression.

"There is nothing more than I would like to remember but I have no idea where to look," my lips tremble as I lie. It was a white lie the one meant to save me but not hurt anyone at the same point. 

Turning to look at Heath I almost stared past him as I spoke the next words. 

"So if you have any idea who I was or where my family is please let me know," there was a desperate fake plea in my voice. " Because I feel like you do," I added making all the eyes stare at him.

Heath's mouth opened and closed like a fish for a few seconds until his eyes fell upon his lady friend. One look at her and his eyes softened. An expression I had never seen on his face.

"Can you hand me the towel?" he had shouted as I had entered his room. For a minute I was startled by how he came to know that I was in his room. I was scared to be here in his room all alone but there was a package in his name that needed to be put in his room.

"Hello," he yelled once again making me regret my decision to be up here in the room.

"I know someone is there," he spoke from the bathroom. "I heard the door" he added and I felt the inside my stomach ease a bit. There was no way he knew it was me. I looked at the towel sprawled on his bed. I just had to hand it over.

"Please hand it to me," he asked again. My eyes looked between the towel and the bathroom. Turning away was an easier choice. Taking in a deep breath I picked up the towel.

"I picked up the towel from the bed holding it to my dear life. Maybe Daniel was right. Maybe I was looking a lot into things. Daniel had quoted that he makes dirty jokes and should pay no heed to it.

Taking in a deep breath. I dropped the parcel on the bed as I held the towel with both my hands.

"The towel please," he yelled again as I took a step towards the bathroom. He was just joking, right? I walked towards the bathroom as anxiety rolled out of me in waves. Everything was going to be fine.

"I have the towel," my voice barely above a whisper. Years of serving and pleasing people had my voice turned into a small and meek one.

"Finally," he drawled. "Bring it in," he yelled for me, and with hesitation in my step, I entered the bathroom filled with fog.  Everything was visible but just a bit blurry.

"Where are you?" I asked trying to raise my voice as much as I could.

"Here," I followed the voice to see that he was in the glass cubicle and most probably naked. I was glad for the fog that enveloped the bathroom.

"Your towel," I extended my hand towards the cubicle looking the other way. I had this minute hope inside of me that he was not what I thought, that Daniel was right and this all was in my mind. I heard the cubicle door open and I extended my hand to the maximum to hand over the towel. 

Then, a scream ripped through my throat as a wet hand clamped around my wrist, yanking me violently. Pain shot through my shoulder, and shock paralyzed me. The fear and agony in my words as Heath, a menacing presence, forced me into the shower cubicle were palpable.

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