The cabin in the woods

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Chapter 1: The School

In sixth grade, everything was as usual. The sun shone, birds sang, and the teacher sat at the lectern while the students did their homework. The school bell rang. Before the students were allowed to leave, the teacher reminded them about some homework due the next day. "But it's Friday the 13th tomorrow," one of the students remarked. The teacher simply replied that it was just how it was and the homework needed to be done. Twin siblings from the class, Lina and Linus, were on their way home when they passed by the large dark forest, where myths circulated about mysterious and unexplainable creatures living within it. Linus suggested to Lina that tomorrow, when they were supposed to attend a party at one of their friends' houses, they should all go into the forest.

Chapter 3: At the Party

When Elias' parents had gone to bed, they waited half an hour just to be sure. After the tense half-hour, they turned up the music and started dancing. So many people crammed into a small space made it feel like being in a sauna with the heat turned up full blast. After an hour of dancing, everyone collapsed on the floor, exhausted. Emilie, one of their friends, suggested they go into the large forest a few kilometers away. Emilie, the hottest girl in the class, had all the boys fawning over her. Even Linus, Lina's brother, had his room filled with pictures of her. All the boys agreed, mostly because they wanted to impress her. But Lina was a bit skeptical; she thought it was too dangerous. However, she eventually gave in.

Chapter 4: The Body in the Forest

Once they were all in the forest, it felt like stepping into a dark room without windows. All sounds suddenly amplified, and Emma had been acting strangely for the past hour. The air was heavy, dry, and cold. They walked in silence for an hour until a branch snapped loudly, causing a deep rumble in their stomachs. They shone their flashlights to see what had made the noise. Suddenly, they saw small yellow eyes in the darkness, and the noise came again. Everything froze as the noise got closer and closer until a large animal, resembling a cross between a wolf and a bear with thousands of teeth, charged at them. The children ran as fast as they could, terrified, except for Emma, who remained neutral, as if she knew what would happen. As they ran, Emma tripped over a branch and fell, and the creature approached her. The others were already a kilometer ahead and could only hear her screaming loudly in the distance.

Chapter 5: On the Way

After the incident with Emma, everyone fell silent. They walked along a path they found, deeper into the forest. It felt like walking for an eternity; the forest was dark and silent, so quiet that all they could hear were their footsteps. After walking for a while, they encountered a figure at least a meter tall with long, black, greasy hair hanging over its face. It approached, and suddenly grabbed one of the boys from the class, muffling his screams so no one could hear him vanish.

Chapter 6: At the Police Station

The only ones left were Lina, Linus, and Elias. After experiencing everything with the others, they huddled close, trembling with fear. The forest was vast, ominous, cold, and dark, so every sound, like a branch snapping, made them jump in fear. Suddenly, they heard a small noise. They stopped abruptly and looked back, but saw nothing. They continued, and after a moment, the sound came again, louder this time. They saw a figure when they looked back, tall, slender, hairy, with razor-sharp teeth and long slimy arms like snakes. The creature came closer until it stood only inches away from them. They began to run as fast as they could.

Chapter 7: In the Cabin

They found an abandoned cabin with light emanating from inside, covering it in an eerie glow. Despite the trees in the forest having lost their leaves, the ones surrounding the house remained green. It seemed like the cabin had been deserted for years. Inside, dust covered everything, and there was no light except for what leaked in from outside. As they explored, they discovered odd and strange things hanging around the room, like saws and chainsaws.

Chapter 8: Who Is It?

The children explored the house, each encountering strange and terrifying experiences. Linus, upstairs, felt as though something was following him, and Lina, descending into the basement, discovered walls covered in blood. Suddenly, they heard a sinister laugh and saw a dark figure. Elias, downstairs, encountered disturbing images hanging on the walls. He then saw a terrifying creature with a wide, red smile, long arms, and sharp teeth. The light went out, and he felt the creature's cold arms wrap around him.

Chapter 9: In the Room

Lina found herself in a small room with only a flickering light from the ceiling. The room was white, and she could hear the sound of chains outside the metal door. She tried to escape, pounding on the door and screaming for help, but no one came. She sat in the room for three days without food or water, feeling her mind change and a thirst for revenge rising.

Chapter 10: A New Myth

Ten years later, Magnus and Malte, the father's new children, decided to investigate the disappearance of their step-siblings. They ventured into the forest one Friday night, determined to uncover the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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