sleepover at c/n's (requested)

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"Hey, what's up?" you asked into your phone, holding it closely to your ear.

"Y/n..." came C/n's muffled, strained voice from the other end of the call.

You immediately knew something was wrong. "Are you crying? Is everything alright?" The concern in your voice could not be faked.

"It's," you heard him sigh before he continued, "actually, can you just come over?" His voice sounded small and unsure, hesitating.

You nodded even though he could not see. "Of course, I'll be there in fifteen," you said, already rummaging through your clothes to pick something to change into and also to pack some spares. You ended the call, exiting your place only a few minutes afterwards.


You knocked twice on his door, heard some shuffling and then the door creaked slightly ajar, C/n calling you in from inside.

When you stepped inside, you were met with red, puffy eyes, cheeks glistening with tears, hair in a tangled mess and a crinkled t-shirt, a pitiful C/n. His mouth hung low and his eyes were empty.

Right after closing the door, his head fell onto your shoulder as his hands clutched onto your jacket, sobs making his body shake. Your arms flew upwards to embrace him, keeping a firm grip on him to let him know you were there for him. For a while, you just listened to him cry in silence while caressing his back.

For a while, you just listened to his heart bleed because of heartache and love.

His lips were still quivering when he pulled away at last, only then managing to give you a poor excuse of a smile that did not reach his eyes at all, but at least he tried. "Hi," he said in a raspy tone, his throat hurting from the crying.

"C/n," you just said his name in response, feeling bad for him. "Care to tell me what's wrong? You don't have to, of course." You took his arms, making your voice as gentle as possible.

A well of tears stared back at you as his e/c eyes looked into yours. "We broke up," he stated plainly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." You led him into the living room, making him sit down on the couch.

"Shut up. You never liked her anyway."

A smile invaded your face as you saw him actually smile at his playful remark, a soft curve of his lips that made his eyes appear slightly thinner. "Yeah, but I hate seeing you sad," you admitted.

His sad eyes found yours, expectant.

"You know I care about you," you continued, "a lot. Seeing you cry makes me wanna cry as well." You laughed softly when you saw him smile slightly at the comment.

You sat down next to him, close enough for your shoulders to bump. He leaned his elbows on his knees and hid his face in his hands, sighing. "To be honest, I never liked her that much, anyway. At least I don't think so. I mean- I mean I know I have a crush on a different person anyway, I don't even know why the break up makes me cry this much," he confessed after a while.

Your heart fell slighly. If you were to be most honest with yourself, you would have to say that when you heard C/n and his ex broke up, it made you just a tiny bit happy - after all, C/n was your crush and it meant that you'd get a chance. But when he said there was another person... Your chance was lost before you even really grasped it.

"Really?" you voiced out. "Why be with her then?"

"I guess I thought I'd get over my crush if I dated someone else," he shrugged. His eyes were still overflowing with sadness and his cheeks red and puffy when he looked at you again, but he no longer felt like crying.

"Why want to get over them, though? Did you get rejected?" You lightly bumped his arm with yours, raising an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled, shaking his head at the same time. "I don't think the person likes me back."

"But you never told them?"

He shook his head no. "I- I'm fine with what we have, now. Anyway, can we not talk about that? Let's just, I dunno - watch a movie?"

"Do you want ice cream and popcorn?" you smirked, giving in to his request and letting the topic go.


You returned with a blanket, settling down on the soft mattress. The bed was just big enough for the people two fit, albeit they had to lie quite close to one another.

After you watched the movie together, C/n seemed to calm down, the redness invading his face going away completely. His smiles and laughs were much more genuine by the end of the movie as well.

As the newly single boy leaned back against the headrest of the bed, you draped the blanket over the both of you and shifted closer, sneaking your free hand around his neck and shoulders.

"You know," you said, keeping close to him in a sidehug, "whoever it is that you have a crush on, they'd be really stupid not to like you back."

His head turned to you in surprise. As much as it hurt for you to say it, to encourage him to confess to the person, as his friend, you still wanted the best for him.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you should tell them if you like them instead of trying to get over them. Life's so short anyway. Why not try to take the chance now instead of regretting it later?" You were whispering in the late of the night, and were glad for the darkness that masked your facial expression.

"Maybe you're right," he said after a few minutes of silence, kind off startling you out of the blue. "Maybe I should tell her."

"You should," you whispered, hoping it was not evident in your voice how much you didn't like the idea of him crushing on someone else - dating someone else other than you, but tried to be a good friend even despite that.

Abruptly, he sat up in bed, your arm losing his warmth as it no longer embraced him. He turned around, just looked at you seriously.

"I have a crush on you, Y/n. I like you."

You opened your mouth to say something, but then... You closed it again. Words will not be enough.

Instead, you pulled him down on top of you by his neck and kissed him, closing your eyes.

He made a sound of surprise at your sudden motion, but as soon as he felt your lips crash into his, he moaned softly, kissing you back with a desperate force of having longed for this so long.

"Y/n," he said breathlessly in between the kisses. He tried to say something more but you didn't let him, his voice dying on your tongue as you asked for access into his mouth, which he gladly gave you.

He kept pressing his body closer and closer to yours, his hands on both sides of your head to provide him with support.

The heated make out session ceased being enough as heat pooled in your belly. "C/n-" he didn't give you a chance to finish before claiming your lips again. After another kiss, you turned your head slightly sideways. "C/n, I need- I need more," you breathed out and fidgeted on the bed.

His head moved lower, trailing kisses from the corner of your mouth all the way to your neck and collarbones, marking you with hickeys. "Tell me, what more?" His eyes were dark and filled with lust.

You groaned both out of pleasure of the touch of his lips and hands and also out of the irritation of you knowing that he clearly knew, but still wanted to make you say it.

When he heard no response, though, he lifted his head up, your skin already missing him being close.

"C/n, you know- I want you," you let out, catching your breath. He licked his lip.

His hands found the hem of your shirt and tugged on it.

"Can I?" he asked gently and yet urgently, his voice loud, a stark contrast to the otherwise silent room only filled with soft groans and moans.

Your eyes barely open, you nodded. "You can do whatever you want with me."

Your shirt came off and he kissed you all the way down to your belly, and lower.

double update cause these requests are kinda similar
Idk what do we think?

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