chapter two

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Patricia didn't move for the longest time, scared that those at the house would come and figure out that she knew that they were involved in Joy's disappearance. There was something happening in on the inside of the house that she couldn't tell anybody else about, for if they knew then she would be in danger, like she had ever wanted to be involved in the mystery.

The voices grew closer to the girls' bathroom and as Patricia stayed there, silent as a lamb in the slaughterhouse, she was determined to find out what they were referring to. She waited in silence as they walked past the bathroom and down the stairs. There wasn't a moment a moment to waste and yet she wanted to be sure that they'd vanished.

She made her way out of the bathroom carefully, making sure that they had vanished from the house and then when she stepp[ed out of their bathroom, she debated where to go next. If she went into their room then she might be able to figure out what was happening to Joy and why the new girl Nina was determined to take over Joy's life.

There was a moment of silence as Patricia made her decision., one that she would come to realise would be the wrong decision. She made her way back to school, determined to get back there before the end of lunch. Though she knew that something was changing, she wasn't sure what it was but she knew that it could only mean one thing.

Change was coming to the house and the school and she wasn't sure whether she would be able to change with it.

She made her way back to the school and to the common room where she was sure that some of the other girls in the house would be. She wasn't sure what they were going to say when she asked them about Joy leaving, but she assumed that deep down one of them had to know something about was going on.

Deep down she doubted that they would be unaware completely, as a house that Joy had left. And if she wasn't none of them were aware then all of this could be something that none of them could expect. There would be something soon that would spell disaster for Patricia Williamson and her house but until that moment came, she wasn't sure what would happen.

She made her way into the common room and walked straight past the boy that she had once loved with every fibre of her being. She wished that the times were different but as she looked over at Ellis Watson, she couldn't be sure that she would forgive him. They had fought hand in hand to be the president of the journalism society. She shook her head as she noticed that he was staring directly at Amber Millington.

It was sickening.

Patricia made her way over to Amber and one of the other girls from Anubis House, one of the smartest girls in the school. She shook her head. "Hey, I have a question."

"What's the question?"

"Did any of you here the scream last night?" Patricia asked and then she followed it up with. "And have either of you seen Joy?"

"A scream?" Amber exchanged a glance with Mara. "Does this mean I'm going to die?"

"No of course not," replied Mara. "And no Patricia, I haven't seen Joy."

Patricia sucked in a sharp breath and exhaled. Though she didn't want to admit it, she was sure that Joy could have left if none of the residents of Anubis House had discovered that she had. Someone out there had to know something; that much she was aware of. But until that day when Patricia managed to figure out exactly what was happening, she would have to bide her time and try and figure out the truth.

If Joy Mercer had left the academy then Patricia Williamson was sure that she would be one of the top students in their year and her english teacher would love her. She had to make sure that she was able to tell the house just what she needed to in order to survive. And if the wrong person started asking questions, then Patricia had to come up with a plan. One simple plan and then she would be able to find out the truth.

She wonderd whether it was something all of the teachers knew about. If all of them knew where Joy had gone then why did Mrs Dalton seem so conflicted and confused.

She shrugged as Amber began to dominate the conversation once more. Some shit was being mentioned about this film that Amber had seen over the weekend with her boyfriend Mick. She turned to Mara and whispered. "Vampires are so sexy."

And for a brief second it was like Patricia hadn't overheard the conversation about Joy in Anubis House. The bell rang and the teenagers got ready for their next lesson. Patricia shrugged as she made her way to the final class of the day. 

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