Chapter 5:

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"Just take the damn medicine, Zenitsu!" You once again attempted to shove the spoon into Zenitsu's mouth who simply refused to take his medicine no matter what.

"No! It's bitter!" Zenitsu whined burying himself back under the blanket.

"Then hurry up and get better so you can go back to your missions!" You yanked his blanket off him and tossed it to the side before finally managing to shove the medicine into his mouth.

Though he'd probably end up back here after the next mission anyway. This was a pretty dangerous profession after, it was practically impossible to not end up back here after every mission.

"Ugh!" Zenitsu groaned looking like he was about to throw up as he forced himself to swallow the medicine before gagging from it while you rushed out of the room, paying him no mind.

You would've usually tried persuading him a bit more into taking the medicine before eventually shoving it into his mouth but you didn't have that type of time today. 

You had heard from Aoi that all the hashiras were coming over for lunch today! 

Turns out, it was some kind of get-together they usually did at each other's mansion. Now, everything would've been fine if they weer having it at some other mansion, but no.

'It just had to be the Butterfly mansion, didn't it?!' Due to all the previous encounters you had with them not being as pleasant, you were not looking forward to this.

Plus, Aoi had also been stressing about this occasion as well which caused you to stress more as well since this was Aoi we were talking about here! The most composed and responsible person here!

From what Aoi told you, this was apparently something they did once a month. 

They would come over at lunch, hang out however they wanted in the afternoon, have dinner together, stay over for the night, maybe even stay awake the whole night. And go home the next day.

And since there are nine hashiras, they would go to each of their mansions every month in order, so they would basically only come over to the Butterfly Mansion once or twice a year. 

That explained why Aoi was so panicked and stressed over this gathering. Aoi said that Misturi and Rengoku were the ones who first suggested this event. 

And since Rengoku and Tengen were literal besties, Tengen went along with it. 

Then Obanai also decided to agree, the reason being his huge crush on Mitsuri. 

And since Sanemi was pretty good friends with Obanai he also decided to come along and perhaps even be the wingman at times.

Gyomei thought of it as great opportunity to bond with his fellow hashers and immediately agreed and dragged Muichiro over with him, who simply did not care so decided to come along anyway.

And Shinobu bullied Giyuu into also coming along by saying he probably wasn't going to come since he had no friends and how sad it must be for him.

And then this eventually became such a familiar thing to them that even Muichiro, the forgetful mist hashira, managed to remember its existence. 

'If even that goldfish memory hashira can manage to remember it, it must be a pretty big deal.' But that wasn't any of your concern, your issue was that you had to be stuck in a Mansion filled with hashiras!

Was it really just your luck that you ended up arriving here at the exact month that it was time for them to have the get-together at the Butterfly mansion? Or did they purposely plan this?

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