C13.Tensions Ease

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As days that became weeks with silence after their confrontations and meeting with their parents, both have been given bless of silence, a days with a sense of freedom and peace. they were not surprised because this was the cause after their meeting. 

Aeana and liena fought so much for their love that they thought they deserve this kind of bless. a painful frame that they have been, has given them so much strength to be strong and continue their unbreakable love. 

"Mi amore, your mom called me earlier." Liena started as she looks at her lover beside her covering her body with white sheet showing they have finished un-holly deed but bliss of pure love and affection Aeana with her sleepy closed eyes, caressing liena's hair opens her eyes with borrowed eyebrow "She did? what did she say? did she mock you or said something bad?" Aeana continuously asked scared her lover might be frightened by her mother if she ever threatened her. "No, no, silly, she surprisingly has her soft tone. She said she wanted to talk to us, your father requested it." She said. Aeana's eyes fuelled with anger taged thinking it might be somekind of trap for them. "We won't see them, It might get us harm." she uttered. "Your mother asked kindly and promised that they will never do foolish things, they only wanted to talk to us, nevertheless, it sounds very important for them." Liena answered, Aeana looked worried and cautious, but liena assured her with soft kisses on her forehead saying "It will be alright, i know they won't do harm" Aeana wasn't able to say anything and just nodded. 

The next day, liena and aeana went to meet both aeana's parents to talk. Liena took a deep breath as she approached the bar, her heart pounding. Ever since Aeana had taken the courageous step of introducing her to her wealthy father, the tension had been thick enough to cut with a knife. But today, something felt different.

"Good evening, Mr. Wester," Liena said, forcing a smile. To her surprise, Aeana's father gave her a curt nod. "Liena. Please, have a seat."Aeana watched the exchange with bated breath from across the room. She could sense her father's usual stern demeanor softening slightly.

"I know we've had our...differences regarding your relationship with my daughter," he began gruffly. "But I can't deny the way she lights up when you're around."Liena's eyes widened at his words. Was the imposing Mr. Wester actually showing a hint of acceptance?

Meanwhile, across town, Aeana's mother was having a similar conversation with her own daughter. "This Liena girl...she makes you happy, doesn't she dear?"Aeana nodded vigorously. "More than you know, Mother. When I'm with her, it's like the weight of the world lifts off my shoulders.

She understands me in a way no one else does."Her mother gave her a searching look before sighing deeply. "I must admit, when you first told me about your...feelings for Liena, I was shocked. It's not exactly the future I envisioned for my daughter, dating a bartender from the city and is actually a daughter of a wealthy and famous actress."

Aeana felt her defenses rise automatically. Her mother's voice softened as she continued. "But I want you to be happy, my love. Truly happy. And if this Liena brings you that happiness, then I'm willing to try to understand."Aeana's eyes welled with grateful tears as she embraced her mother tightly. "Thank you," she whispered. "You have no idea what that means to me."

Back at the bar, Liena was scarcely daring to breathe as Mr. Wester continued speaking. "I'm not saying I approve entirely of this situation. The idea of my daughter being...involved with a woman, it goes against everything I was raised to believe in."Liena felt her heart sink, but Mr. Wester raised his hand for silence. "However, I'm an old man, and I've learned that sometimes you have to put your beliefs aside for the sake of your family's happiness. I can see how much you care for Aeana."

He extended a calloused hand. "For my daughter's sake, I'm willing to try to accept this...relationship. If it means that much to her."

Liena's eyes shone with grateful tears as she shook his hand firmly. "Thank you, sir. You don't know what this means to me. To us. I promise I will spend my life making Aeana happy, no matter what it takes."As father and daughter exchanged warm hugs across the city, the first rays of hope began to peek through the dark clouds of tension that had loomed for so long. It was a tentative start, but a start nonetheless towards understanding and acceptance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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