Summer's Not Over

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Knock knock! "Mari, wake up, the sun is shining on your butt." Nori calls.

"Ugh... just two more minutes, only two minutes."

Nori sighs. "Don't you have diving training today?"

"Ah!" Hearing her mother's reminder, Marianna springs out of bed. She then goes to the dining room. Marianna glances at the breakfast on the table, nervous... It's different from before. 'Phew... it seems like the loop is really over.'

"What are you mumbling about? Hurry up and eat, don't be late."


The sound of cicadas comes in through the window, the summer slowly heating up. Inside, Marianna's phone buzzes.

It's June 9th, 7:36 A.M..

Somewhere, a huge, pure white conch shell stands, odd amidst the ruins. Watching from afar is a blue, glowing deer.

"Here I am, at the end of my journey."


Endless SummerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora