Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After our morning nursing session, Mama Lena sent the other slaves away for their own breakfasts, and told them not to return until summoned. This left us alone.

The light outside was dim. I could hear and feel the distant rumbling of thunder. In another lifetime, I would have been fearful. Our family home was not a safe haven in storms; but my new clan's home was strong and protective, and had and would weather hundeds of storms.

"My own little princess," Mama Lena said softly. "It shall storm today. Would you like to remain in bed with me?"

I snuggled in tightly. "I don't want to be anywhere else," I said, my voice soft. I pressed myself in against her body. I could feel my sensitive clit brush against her hip, and without meaning to, I rubbed my hips against her.

She crooned to me. "Oh? What's this I feel? Are you rubbing yourself against Mommy?"

"Mmhmm," I hummed, nodding against her breasts.

"I love it. Don't stop. Tell Mommy how good it feels."

I could feel her hands creeping down to hold my hips, and every time I bucked against her, she held me extra tightly to her as I dragged my sex across her skin. I drew in a sharp breath. "Oh, Mommy," I murmured, looking up at her. "I love it so much. This is our special time. Just you and me, and I want to do this all the time!"

She chuckled warmly. "How about this, darling. If you start feeling needy, come to me and wrap your arms around me and press yourself against me. We will step aside somewhere private and I will take care of you."

"Please, Mommy?" I asked, gasping happily. "C-can you touch me?"

"Does my princess need Mommy to kiss her delicious clit?" I could feel Mommy turning me, putting me down on the bed beneath her. She pressed warm kisses on my cheeks, then moved downwards, her hands running down my sides. She spread my legs, and kissed my thighs, licking downward until her hot mouth settled over my clit. She swirled her tongue around my sex and I squealed with happiness. My hands went into her beautiful hair.

She hmmmmmed and raised up, leaning on me, and licked her thumb. She pressed her thumb against my clit and began to work it lovingly. It tore groans of ecstasy out of me. "My sweet swan has very specific needs, I've noticed," she said, smiling. "I can see special kisses are necessary often, and a good directing hand between your legs should be a frequent guide for you. I shall make certain these needs are met."

"What do you mean, Mommy?" I asked, more of a moan than anything.

"I mean, my sweet swan, that I will publically dress you in skirts, no underthings, in order to keep you accessible for Mommy to touch you." Mommy Lena kissed my clit slowly, savoring me. I could feel her slide a finger into me, and the noises she made! Such lewd slurping! I shuddered, my moans hitting higher pitches. She lifted up, kissed my thigh, and added, "Any time you ask for Mommy, I'll be here to help you."

"I do, I do need Mommy's help."

"Yes, you do, little one," she said sweetly, her thumb swirling my clit around in circles. "Mommy's touch is superior to all others. Remember that."

"I will never forget it." I brushed my hips into her touch.

"Does my princess want Mommy to go further?"

"Yes Mommy!"

I could hear her sigh with joy, and suddenly her mouth was back on my clit, suckling it hard, and she slid a finger into me, deep within, until her fingertip found that secret inner spot and began to work it in circles. I screamed, I couldn't help myself, and my hands wound into Mommy's hair.

I loved her. I didn't care that I was only twenty-four hours freshly in her bed. I was going to show her all the love she had been missing, desperately wanting, and needing. I would stand by her until I expired. She was my mate, and I was hers.

I didn't want her to stop.

And she didn't, not for some time, not until she was satisfied. And she didn't lift up even. She rested her head on my thigh and kept her finger inside of me. She drew it out, slowly, but before leaving me, she pushed that digit back into me, causing me to shudder and moan in a soft mewl. She did not stop this slow fucking. "When you sit in my lap," she instructed, "you are to settle your skirt or robes over me in a way that makes your sex accessible for me to massage in secret. Every time."

"Yes, Mommy!" I said, my voice barely a murmur. I was shivering. My nipples were hard.

"There will be times when I will be wearing a toy. I will call for you to settle yourself on my lap, straddling me, and I will fuck you deeply. It will be a weekly occurrence."

"Thank you, Mommy."

"You're welcome, my swan. You're welcome."

"I can't wait to find out more. I want to learn so much."

"Not to worry, my dearest. I will teach you plenty." Mommy continued to gently play with me. "You'll learn quick how much Mommy will need you."

"I'm grateful for my slaves but I want to please you. I want to be loved by you. I want to be fucked by you. Only."

"And you'll have me all you like. Your slaves are there in the event I must leave for business, to keep you cared for in my absence. When you are with me, they are hardly needed, are they?"

I blushed, bucking my hips against Mommy's hand as she pushed her finger deeply into me. "I don't want you to stop."

"I don't want you to stop, Mommy."

"i don't want you to stop, Mommy!"

"Then I shall not. Your kitty is too pretty for me to simply leave now. Let me just press a few more special kisses here..."

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