Chapter 9

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North of Callena, our party finds the home of the Coyotes, monsters that are much more dangerous than Jellies, and usually targets for more experienced parties. With our first quest under our belt, we decide that we're good to start hunting these new monsters.

With my Claw ability unlocked, I alternate between that and my Wave skill. Falling into standard party position, I stick near Princess and try to attack the monsters that attempt to break through the defensive line of Avery and Juno.

Coyotes of the monster form are bigger than any domestic dog, with matted fur that tells of their wild lives. With a fast gate and an even faster jaw, they can probably tear off my arm if I'm not careful. Their teeth, sharper than Avery's blade, flash in the sunlight. I almost shiver.

Then, Princess yells out, "We can take a dozen more!"

Motivated, I keep fighting, keep wielding my staff in a way that I saw Nathaniel wield it—with undeniable confidence.

Avery uses her Flurry ability, which she recently unlocked. She spins her sword in a wide arc, hitting two Coyotes at once. At the same time, Juno uses his new Cross ability, which is an upgraded version of his first skill.

"I think I'm ready," Princess says beside me, a bit of doubt laced in her words.

I know what she means. "You can do it. Just trust yourself."

"Double," she says, with a firm voice. With two arrows notched, she releases them, and they go flying toward the nearest Coyote. The monster turns to dust, after releasing a howl that was once terrifying to me.

A nearby party begins to clap. With a break in the monsters, Juno and Avery run to us. They both embrace Princess, and I join. With all of our second skills unlocked, we'll be treated a little bit differently. More people will respect us.

"I think we can return to town now," Princess says, glowing.

We enter the warded area, which protects a field of sweet corn. Looking backward, I study the shimmering area that the ward creates, wondering if it will break. If Callena will suffer an attack like the Headhunter's invasion of Kara. Since the incident in Kara, all four cities strengthened their wards, but will it be enough?

"Calling all fighters!" says someone in the break between the farm and the city. "Jump quest coming right up! Compete to try to win a treasure that might just change your fate."

Nearby, I spy Lilian, the archer instructor. She's dressed in flowing green hunter's robes, with a little smile on her face. Middle aged, she's a few decades younger than Nathaniel, but the air of power's ever present, especially in the massive bow strapped to her back. Princess revealed that Lilian smelled like fresh raspberries, back when Princess received the blessing of the goddess' avatar.

A crowd gathers around the leader of the jump quest. I've heard of these before, in the storybooks I used to read. A jump quest is an almost-impossible game that requires the participation of dozens, sometimes hundreds.

"That sounds insanely fun," Juno says. "Why don't we try?"

"Why not?" Princess says. Her face, still flushed, reflects the victory of unlocking her second skill. Of growing as an archer. In fact, she must remember when she first visited this town. Her very first stop after leaving Vilia.

We line up. There must be at least fifty people here, of various classes. Most people are young, but a few older adults who must have a penchant for these jump quests also join. Children and elderly people stand off to the side, resting under the nearby wooden shade structures.

"You know the rules," the game master says, a man with a curly mustache and peppery hair. "Everyone starts at the same time. The platforms are enchanted, and everyone who falls will be safely eliminated thanks to that. The winner... well let's just say the winner will get an item that's from the heart of Halo Island, in the dungeon of the most fearsome boss. The Wrench."

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