|| Chapter 24: Enjoying the Moments ||

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Date: February 14, 1931

Her relationship with Alastor had changed completely. He seemed devoted to her but also held his distance. Some days, he followed her around like when they first met, and others, he acted like her being in his space was tormenting him.

Did she understand it?

By all means, she never did. Alastor was just as confusing as her home situation. However, she loved him regardless.

She was currently out shopping. Valentine's Day seemed even more productive during this time period, which made sense to her, considering how men were during it. So, it explained the weird looks she got as she was shopping, scanning each available store for a perfect gift. It was typical for the men to gather gifts, flowers, or whatever else their women could like.

She ignored it, after all. Her main goal was to try to catch the Alastor off guard.

"It's disgusting how smitten ya are for old Smiles, doll," Anthony grumbled as he followed behind her. (Y/N) only laughed. Anothony showed up at the bar, offering her some flowers he had picked along his walk. She gladly accepted them and dragged him along to follow her around town.

Anthony was thirteen and had grown a bit since their last time together. He was up to her chest now, which was shocking considering how it had been a year, almost two. But she decided to chop it up to his genetics.

"I'm not smitten! I... Just care for him a lot." She replied as she picked up a leather glove. She had noticed Alastor's looked a bit... overused. She was sure it was from his years of killing with them, but she wanted to ignore that fact. Considering she also took a life, she was not any better.

"Too much for my likin'. He'll get you killed." Anthony said as he took the glove from her hand roughly, placing it back on the shelf quickly. She frowned.

Just like in hell, Anthony and Alastor still weren't huge fans of one another but seemed to tolerate the other for the sake of her or a shared goal they both had. In hell, that was Charlie's dream; however, it was in the mortal world. The pairs' shared goal was (Y/N)'s happiness.

She rolled her eyes, walking away from the gloves and into the store.

"Anthony, Alastor is the one who found me... After I got a little misplaced in the woods. He helped me get her despite... all the bad events." She waved her hand, trying her hardest to ignore Alastor's bad qualities.

He was a hot dude; how could she not?

She decided it was best to ignore Anthony's disapproving looks. She walked to a radio pin, one Alastor could put on his tie. Her frown disappeared as her smile brightened, returning to her face. She reached out to grab it, but her hand faded through it. That's when she froze and tried again. and again, then again and again. Still, she had the same results. Her hand just faded through the object. She bit her bottom lip as she brightened her hand to her face, ensuring Anthony hadn't seen it and still would not see it.

It was transparent and glitching. This was different from the last times when her entire body and the world around her shifted. No... this felt like the final nail in the coffin. She glanced back, watching as Anthony was focused on the pair of gloves he had taken from her hands earlier. Then she returned to her hand, reaching into her pocket and throwing on her red gloves, letting out a sigh of relief that they were hiding her transparent hand.

She then decided it was best to grab the pin and anything else with her left hand, considering it was still standard and usable. The two walked around a little more. She teased Anthony about the gloves, realizing that he was, in fact, going to buy them for Alastor.

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