Starting Over

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 I always dreamt that my life would end up like it did in the movies. I remember imaging what my future would look like. I always figured I would grow up, meet a boy, fall in love with him, marry him, and spend the rest of my life with him. But in all honesty, that isn't really the way that things have turned out. And you know what? I'm actually glad about that.

"Here?" I ask Ellie as I adjust the picture frame on the wall.

"A little more to the left," She replies from behind me.

I tilt it ever-so-slightly and nearly fall off of the couch when Ellie announces that it's perfect. She laughs and runs over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and lowering me from the couch. She kisses me gently and we stand back to look at the new frame. A picture of Ellie in her cap and gown, holding her diploma while I kiss her cheek hangs nicely beside a picture of us at the beach. I lace my fingers between hers.

"I'm glad we finally got to put that one up." I smile.

She grins and kisses me on the cheek, "So am I."

"I think this officially completes our first apartment," I declare as I plop onto the couch.

Albeit dinky and next door to some of the loudest human beings I have ever heard, it's perfect. We get to share a bed and a room, we have a walk-in shower, and we even pay for cable with a bunch of channels. Being an adult is kind of terrifying, but having Ellie around makes me not so afraid. I thought I would hate being away from home before I moved up to Maine with her. Now that I'm here, I realize that I couldn't have been more wrong. I don't feel scared or homesick; Because I'm at home here.

"I think you're right." Ellie agrees as she sits beside me and drapes an arm over my shoulder.

I bury my head in the crook of her neck and close my eyes, smiling, "I love you."

"I love you too." She says, kissing the top of my head.

I couldn't be happier. I never guessed that Ellie would give me another chance. Hell, I would've never guessed that I'd fall in love with my boyfriend's sister. But life is funny that way. And I have no problem with the way that everything played out. I'm going to a great college, majoring in liberal studies. I'm working a part-time job at a sandwich shop downtown and I'm starting my life with the person I love. I can genuinely admit that I've never felt so at home in a place I have never been.

I talk to my parents every day, as well as Jay, who just so happens to have a new girlfriend. And wouldn't you know it, Ellie's little red headed friend took quite the liking to Jay. Apparently Jay felt the same. Nowadays, he never shuts up about his fiery red head, Becca. He's constantly referring to her as a "loaded pistol". Ellie and I always get a kick out of that. Weirdly enough, we're all on really great terms and we're even expecting a visit from them during Thanksgiving Break this semester.

After going through what felt like Hell, I'm glad that I endured it all. I wouldn't trade the life that I have now for anything. I have Ellie and she has me. Not to mention I have my awesome family and even Jay. And in all honesty, I'm so glad that I fell for his sister.

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