Chapter 11

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There is some smut in this chapter~


I am infinitely sorry that the chapter took longer again >//< 

Work-wise I'm very limited and I'm working on a one shot book with genschin and Honkai Charas.


You didn't know how you ended up in this situation, but you found yourself trapped between the wall of the house and Morax. You felt his hot tongue licking your neck and his hands digging into your hips.

"Morax... please stop... not here..." you whisper, but at the same time you wrap your arms around him, which automatically destroys your reluctance. You hear him growl briefly and he looks at you. His golden eyes shone with desire. A lust for you!

"Please Zhongli... stop...", you were not afraid to go against your expectations and you would have no problem letting him fuck your brains out, but you realized that your body disagreed and was working against your thoughts. Fortunately, he sensed it and opened his eyes, gently set you down and let go of you.
"I'm sorry, my love..." he whispered and gently stroked your cheek. You lean your face against his hand and smile.

"Mhmh, it's all good. Just not yet. Then later... okay? I'm... ready for this, but my mind is telling me something else. Please... please accept that," you whispered and he nodded.
"I'll give you the time you need, my love." He kissed you once more and pulled away before returning to his normal Zhongli features. You were a little disappointed, since you preferred him in his draconic form. He smirked a little.

"Do you like my other form that much? After all, you has a detailed body pillow from me too?" his sharp fangs looked at you in amusement. He liked your red and embarrassed face as you turned away from him coughing and trying to make up some cute, stuttering excuse.

"W-whatever! Let's keep going!" you grumble, pulling him by the hand behind you. He followed you and felt the need to wag his tail, if he still had it.
You, on the other hand, were so lost in thought. Reviewing everything that had just happened.
What had that meant? Did he like you the way you liked him? Especially since you don't just like him, but also all your other dads out there? You put one hand to your forehead. But you couldn't deny that Morax was your absolute favorite. You sigh and furrow your brow.

Zhongli, on the other hand, looked at your features with interest and had the feeling he could guess your train of thought. Zhongli's eyes widened as his chest grew hot again and he got another craving for you as you bit your lips thoughtfully.

"Y/n..." he murmured and you look at him and notice his light golden scales again. Your gaze moved to the center of his body, where you could already see a tent of his erect cock. You swallowed and almost had to start drooling. You wanted to touch his cock! You had no idea why you felt the need to do that, but you weren't afraid to do it with him! You felt safe and secure with him.

Nibbling on your lips, you grab Zhongli by the shoulders and push him behind a tree in the park where you were.

"Y/n-," he started and was pressed harder against the tree at the same time you touched his cock, still hidden under his clothes and spurring you upright. Zhongli flinched and looked at you from narrowed eyes, watching you intently as you fiddled with his pants and pulled them down so that now his erect cock was poking against your chest. You swallowed again.

It was so big! You embraced its full length with your hands, played with its protruding veins, its oak and gently kissed the tip. He growled and his striking dragon proportions reappeared. His tail formed, greedily wrapping around your body but leaving your arms out. You grinned and took the tip of his tail in your mouth. Zhongli growled, sliding down with his tail, somehow managing to pull down the leggings you have so far that he gently strokes the inside of your bare thighs with the tip of his dragon tail. You moaned at the sensation and felt hotter than ever! Your insides were on fire!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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