day 5

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The morning light, weak and diffused through the omnipresent haze, roused me from a restless sleep. My body aches, a constant reminder of the injuries sustained during my initial descent into this garbage-filled hell. But today, I have a plan. If I want to capture one of those recycling drones to disassemble it, I need to be better armed and prepared.

My first task was to gather materials. I scavenged a plastic bucket, some pieces of wood, and a few glass bottles from the surrounding debris. These seemingly mundane items are the key to my strategy.

I started by boiling the wooden planks to extract the sap. It's a painstaking process, but the sap is crucial for what comes next. With the extracted sap, I performed the glass cutting trick using a piece of string soaked in the sap, I wrapped it around the bottles and set it on fire. The rapid heating and cooling allowed me to make clean cuts, transforming the bottles into makeshift cups. Any remaining sap was used to patch holes in the bucket, making it watertight.

Next, I filled the bucket with compostable material and soaked it with urine. This mixture, when left to ferment, will produce potassium nitrate a key ingredient for future weapons or tools. It’s a slow process, but every bit of preparation counts in this unforgiving environment.

I also took a moment to check on the seeds I planted earlier. They’ve sprouted and are growing steadily, but they’re not yet ready for harvest. These plants could be a vital source of food or medicine in the days to come, so their progress is a small but significant victory.

Due to my injury, my physical capacity is limited. Pain flares up with every movement, a constant reminder of my vulnerability. I need to heal, but time is a luxury I cannot afford. After tending to my tasks, I ate a meager meal of grilled maggots and whatever small vegetation I could find. The taste is as unpleasant as ever, but it fuels my resolve.

Despite my injury, I decided to take a walk. I need to keep my muscles active and my mind sharp. The landscape remains as desolate as ever.

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