♡CHAPTER 21 {Awkward Intimacy}♡

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Chapter 21: Awkward Intimacy & Tying Bonds



Haidar stepped into the washroom, closing the door behind him with a soft click. Leaning against the sink, he let out a slow breath, trying to collect his thoughts. Noor's presence had a way of stirring emotions within him that he hadn't felt in a long time. He replayed the moment how he enter and saw her.


As Haidar entered his room after a long day at the office, he expected to find it empty, a quiet retreat from the bustling world outside. However, what greeted him was a sight that caught him off guard, something that stirred a mix of emotions within him. There she was, Noor, standing by his closet, holding one of his shirts close to her face, inhaling its scent deeply.

The soft glow of the evening light filtering through the curtains highlighted her petite figure and accentuated her fair complexion. Her eyes, lost in a moment of tranquility, seemed to hold a story of their own.

For a moment, Haidar simply stood there, taking in the scene before him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of tenderness and something more profound that he struggled to define. It was as if this simple act of Noor connecting with his scent had unraveled a thread of intimacy between them, a thread he hadn't fully acknowledged until now.

<Flashback end>

As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, his mind replayed the moments, Her embarrassed yet endearing expression, the way she had held his shirt close, the way her cheeks had flushed when he leaned in close-each memory brought a smile to his face.

He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her, a pull that went beyond physical desire. There was something about Noor that touched him deeply, something pure and genuine that he hadn't expected to find.

Adjusting his tie, he straightened up and ran a hand through his hair, his thoughts still lingering on Noor. She had a way of unraveling him, of making him question his carefully constructed walls. But instead of feeling apprehensive, he felt a sense of liberation, as if being with her allowed him to be his true self.

Exiting the washroom, he saw Noor was still standing by the wardrobe, lost in her thoughts. Her presence filled the room with a delicate energy, and he found himself drawn to her once again.

Walking over to her, he closed the distance between them, his gaze softening as he looked into her eyes. "You looked beautiful holding my shirt," he said, his voice low and intimate.

Noor's cheeks flushed at his words, a shy smile playing on her lips. She looked down, fiddling with the hem of her dress, but Haidar gently lifted her chin with his finger, urging her to meet his gaze.


After a delightful dinner shared with everyone, Noor retreated to the kitchen to tidy up. The clinking of dishes echoed in the quiet space as she meticulously wrapped up the evening's remnants. Slowly, the kitchen emptied as each person bid their goodnights and retired for the evening, leaving only Noor and Haidar behind.

In a sudden moment of spontaneity, Haidar appeared in the kitchen, his presence a welcome interruption to the solitude that had settled in. "Will you please give me a cup of coffee?" he inquired, a hint of warmth in his voice.
He asked and went to garden.

Noor nodded, a smile. She prepared a fresh brew and joined Haidar in the garden, where he had found a peaceful spot on a swing.

As she approached him, offering the steaming mug of coffee, Haidar's eyes lit up with gratitude. He took the cup, his fingers brushing against hers briefly, a fleeting touch that sent a tingle down her spine.

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