Part 30

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                                     - Lydia -

'So it went good?' I heard Meredith question with apprehension for about the 16th time since I got back home. I rolled my eyes, biting into the chocolate I picked up.

'It went well, Mer, for the last time.' I laughed and hummed as I took in the taste of the chocolate. She looked at me all confused and opened her mouth to speak.

'Not in a rude way but you're like- never glow this much..' She said slowly and rolled my eyes. 'Thank you very much your so-' she interrupted me.

'- no genuinely! You're like glowing, you seem too happy for a date, even if it's that woman-' she paused, seeming to pout in thought before her eyes seemed to pop out of her head.

'You guys fucked! Didn't you?!' She yelled a bit too loud. God my neighbours must hate me. I bit my lip at her words and tried to look away to avoid the question. That just made it worse.

'Oh my god! You did!' She laughed and practically stood up out of shock, maybe excitement? I couldn't really tell, her facial expressions weren't playing into much.

'Okay, we wasn't even that much though like uh...' I paused trying to put it into words. '..Casual?' I furrowed my brows as the word just didn't feel right on my tongue.

'With that woman? No way! She knows her worth and she would never casually give out her services!' I rolled my eyes.

'Her services? Jesus Mer you make her sound like a prostitute.' I chuckled a little. My best friend was one for a ramble, so sometimes I had to butt in. Mainly to stop her rambling, or to keep her on subject.

'Not like thattt! But..' she sounded like she wanted me to input and I laughed. 'God how does Sasha put up with you?' I joked and she did a very dramatic huff.

'God because I'm fuckin awesome?' I pressed my lips into a smile at her words. She was right, she was. I'd never admit that though.

'Yeah yeah..' I laughed as she frowned at me. 'God chill Mer! I think you're awesome.' I said a little softer and more sincere.

'I know.' She smirked. 'Just wanted to hear you say it.' I rubbed one side of my face in a mixture of adoration and annoyance.

'You little con artist..' I muttered as she fell back into my sofa with a hysterical laugh. God she was so annoying sometimes, but weren't all best friends?

                               - Maria -

I was currently doing a rewatch of tangled. Again. With Lili. She was laying on top of me and giggling at every little thing she always did. I could time it now. Every time she would giggle, gasp, pout. I loved being able to predict my little girl.

No matter how much I tried to focus on the dreadful music numbers, I couldn't shake her. The memory, a close one, of our night together. God I saw her so vulnerable. But to me that just made her all the more beautiful.

It felt weird, not being able to shake it. I could always usually shake these things after they happened. But with her, it was different. I didn't want to shake it. I wanted to savour it. Feel every moment all over again.

I wish she was here. Lili kept asking about her as soon as I got through the door, which made me smile. Sometimes I'm convinced Lili loves her more than me. If not the same. It melts my heart how incredible Lydia can be with her.

I do know it's her job but she has a gift, a genuine gift. But especially when it comes to Lili. Lili never stops talking about the next time she will see her. The next time she will be over. It's been making me reflect really hard on what we actually are.

I know I said we were girlfriends, but we never really talked about labels. We just sort of..ran with it. And after the first date success, I hope I can get the ball moving.

'Mama..?' I heard a croak of my little girl just below my chin. 'Yes baby?' I mumbled back, moving her strands of hair from her face and kissing her forehead.

'I'm sleepy..' she yawned as if on cue and I smiled and picked her up properly in my arms, standing. 'Let's get you to bed then you little rascal.' I smiled at her as she curled into my arms.

I gently walked up the stairs, careful to not knock her. She was already nodding off, and as a mother, I did love an easy sleep for once.

I made it to her labeled door and pushed through into it. Smiling at all the little decorations that had accumulated through the years. The little glow In the dark stars, the unicorns, the rainbows and the princess wallpaper that's hidden behind her bed frame.

I love she's growing, but I don't love how it feels. It feels scary, watching how much she has gone through as a person. A developing little girl. My little girl.

I lay her down and her little eyelashes fluttered open. I smiled at her big hazel eyes and little chubby cheeks.

'Kiss?' She mumbled in the softest ,cutest voice I am yet to hear to the day. I nodded and leant down to kiss her head, she hummed.

'And one from mommy..' she mumbled. I raised a brow, puzzled. 'Mommy is here.' I smiled. 'I just gave you one baby..' I gently played with her soft locks of hair.

'Other mommy..' she yawned and her little eyes scrunched up as she smiled at me. 'Oh..' I suddenly got a click in my head to who she was taking about. Lydia.

'She's not here baby.' I mumbled gently and she shook her head. 'You give me one from her..' she giggled as I took a moment before complying.

I leant down and kissed her head. 'From Lydia..' I whispered. 'And Seb!' she giggled and I smiled. I leant down and kissed her head again. 'And Seb.' I ran my finger below her eyes smiling at her little joy-filled face.

'I'm ready to sleep now mama!' She clung onto her plushie squeezing it tight and squirming under the covers. I remember doing that when I was little to get warm under the cold sheets.

'Night Princess..' I whispered and tucked the blanket over her, leaving the room but leaving the door slightly propped open.

'Can mommy come tomorrow?' I heard her chirp and I sighed. Pausing outside the door, I spoke. 'I'm not sure baby, I'll have to check okay? You just rest up to have plenty of energy!' I urged and she replied with a little 'okay!'

If I was honest I wanted her over tomorrow too. And always.

And forever.


Heyyy! I had a few days, personal stuff!

This chapter isn't spell checked or very long for the record :)

Still hope you enjoy!

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