Little writing assignments

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Here is a list of little writing assignments you could give yourself to keep practicing:

1. Write a short story about a wooden bench standing in the park. A bird is sitting on top of it. Imagine that the bench has feelings, and write about how the bench feels about it's life. (It can't talk of course.)

2. Open your favourite book on the first page and read the first sentence. Write a short story that starts with the same sentence.

3. Write a short story about a rainbow that appears out of nowhere in front of you. You walk on it and find something (be creative) at the end of the rainbow.

4. Pick up a dictionary and open it on a random page. Pick a random word and then open two other pages to find two other random words. Write a short story with these three words.

5. Write a short story about a murder you witnessed while waiting for the bus to arrive. Write this story from three perspectives: yours, the killer's and someone's you have to come up with yourself.

6. Write a short story about someone who is extremely terrified by triangles. Write this story in three different genres. (For this assignment I would recommend: thriller, comedy and fantasy.)

7. Write a short conversation between a fictional character, and the scariest person you know. Make it as realistic as possible, like it could have really happened.

8. Search for a famous fairy tale on the internet (or in the book you have secretly hidden underneath your pillow to read when no one is watching) and rewrite it. The storyline has to stay the same, but you have to make it rhyme. (like this: aabb etc.)

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